Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for October 27, 2012
Dust on the moon levitates above the lunar surface- sustained by electrical charges. Although she is paralyzed from the chest down, Claire Lomas managed to walk the London Marathon with the aid of a bionic suit! 81-year-old Ray Sullivan of Robins, Iowa, USA, built his own casket with wood from an 81-year-old walnut tree!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
So Ray out-lived the tree.
KA7DRE Premium Member over 12 years ago
I get letters from the “Neptune Society” about once a week !
Tog over 12 years ago
Go Claire. One heck of a girl.
linsonl over 12 years ago
With no moisture to discharge a static charge, dust could levitate, but how did it get charged in the first place?
aimlesscruzr over 12 years ago
@N7326 FoxtrotSome bought it and paid by American Express…
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
Claire Lomas: The Bionic Woman. Incredible! Amazing!
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
Check this out:
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Ray Sullivan knows the pallbearers can ‘handle’ it.