For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 22, 2010

  1. 00000
    alondra  about 15 years ago

    So do I.

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  2. Openwings
    OpenWings  about 15 years ago

    Oh, don’t we just all sometimes! :o)

    Michael looks very pensive in panel 3, wonder what that’s about
 hope it has nothing to do with the way Lawrence is smiling in the background, xD

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I don’t think there’s any harm in saying something like that once in a while, and it’s only to John. She has been a good friend anyway.

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  4. Zombatar 2
    11Wilderness11  about 15 years ago

    Paul Jones:

    There is no reason to “slam” anyone for making a light-hearted, humorous aside like that. It doesn’t mean she is somehow in love with herself. There is also nothing wrong with wishing she had a relief pitcher.

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  5. Steelers logo
    arsmall  about 15 years ago

    STOP IT Openwings! LMBO!!!

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    rtford  about 15 years ago

    Is there a method that I can use to delete for Better or worse from my daily e-mail?

    I would like to see Andy Capp and Shoe daily.

    Thank You


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    masnadies  about 15 years ago

    There’s nothing wrong with being aware you’re a good friend. It can help it set in your mind that that’s the sort of person you want to be, so you focus on doing even better. And, as we know, Elly continues to be a good friend to her friends, husband and finally kids, for another 20+ years
 but she doesn’t take a lot of wild trips while her friends watch her kids! (which BTW, much as I love my kids, a weekend of fun sounds Wonderful right now!)

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  8. Princesses
    mcveinot  about 15 years ago

    I totally understand. My friends take advantage of me too and never are there to return the hundreds of favors I do for them often leaving me in a lurch (I won’t even get into all I do because it’s depressing).

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    BigHug  about 15 years ago

    Even though my hubby is my best friend it’s still not the same as having a female best buddy.

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    BigHug  about 15 years ago

    Maybe mcveinot you have to stop the favors or ask for help. One of my friends does everything for everyone. She never asks for help. You have to speak up.

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  11. T128
    Nelly55  about 15 years ago


    wish my hubby would take your advice. he can’t say no to anyone who asks for (or expects) him to help. altho an admirable trait, he’s not a spring chicken anymore and has a bad back


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  12. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  about 15 years ago

    Connie is always making her doubt her life. She’s been no friend to Elly.

    This page keeps redirecting me to some dating site. I’ve had it with go comics’s lack of security this week!

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  13. Foxhound1
    bald  about 15 years ago

    maybe you could have john help you , have him take the kids to the park for a few hours and you go take a nice long soak in the tub

    calgon take me away

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  14. Palms too
    pearlandpeach  about 15 years ago

    wonderful, bald 716 - have not thought of that in ages
. perfect.

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  15. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 15 years ago

    I wonder what Connie is up to now? Still bed with Phil. (Scoffs!) Elly, don’t feel hard on yourself, just be happy, tho’.

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  16. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 15 years ago

    Ann Landers used to say that no one can take advantage of you unless you allow it.

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    genghis.shaman  about 15 years ago

    I know exactly how you feel

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  18. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  about 15 years ago

    Finding a good friend isn’t always easy, especially once you’ve got a husband & kids who also require your time & attention. A woman needs a close female friend, but it isn’t something you can run an ad to get.

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  19. Manchester united
    mroberts88  about 15 years ago

    We all do.

    Open, its probably just the drawing style.

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    andymeijers  about 15 years ago

    Boy, ‘young’ pre-potato-nose, pre-bun Elly sure looks a lot cuter. Just compare the panels in this strip with the mug shot in the pick list at the top of the page, if you have a page built.

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  21. Cathy aack Premium Member about 15 years ago

    As a psycho-therapist, I fail to see why we have to “slam” anyone. Elly makes mistakes as we all do, so does Connie. Do we have to demonize them for the silly things Lynn has them doing to make a comic funny?

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  22. Missing large
    feefers_  about 1 year ago

    Is that baby Farley? Squeeee!

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