While the Pennys are not the classiest folks you would ever meet, the store clerk is being down-right insulting! If I was treated like that in a swanky store, the clerk might find himself walking funny for the rest of the day. We walked out of the mens department of an upscale store because the clerk suggested our 17 year old try the boys deparment. The next place we went treated our son like a CEO and we bought $375 worth of clothes!
margueritem about 15 years ago
They are about to become the Dreaded Shoppers of Walmart, gasp!
Don’t see a visa
cedar.grove.416 about 15 years ago
I see the word VISA in the counter’s wood paneling.
margueritem about 15 years ago
You two are correct. I was looking for a card shaped item.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
They look like the Wal-Mart kind of customers to me. Hope he didn’t smother that sweater in bacon and or fish.
McGehee about 15 years ago
Nobody seems to be getting the joke.
BigGrouch about 15 years ago
Who’s the guy in the black trench coat, Secret Service? Mac, then I guess I don’t get it either, looks like a typical Dinette Set. Clue us in?
drewhollan about 15 years ago
Carter’s is a Children’s clothing line.
margueritem about 15 years ago
Yep, typical Dinette Set, nothing to ‘get’.
Mythreesons about 15 years ago
How about –he’s not an executive, nor would they spend money on cashmere. And the clerk recognizes that. Maybe the clerk thinks it was shop-lifted.
Mythreesons about 15 years ago
How about the man in the dark suit is the store detective who also can’t believe they bought a cashmere sweater?
adfogg about 15 years ago
While the Pennys are not the classiest folks you would ever meet, the store clerk is being down-right insulting! If I was treated like that in a swanky store, the clerk might find himself walking funny for the rest of the day. We walked out of the mens department of an upscale store because the clerk suggested our 17 year old try the boys deparment. The next place we went treated our son like a CEO and we bought $375 worth of clothes!
billdi Premium Member about 15 years ago
manny interprets what joy says as, “it doesn’t suit him.”
billdi Premium Member about 15 years ago
btw is that an empty sears bag that burl is holding? Possible that the ‘executive cashmere sweater,’ came from sears?