Beardo by Dan Dougherty for October 03, 2012

  1. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And thereā€™s a Cloud over them all.

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  2. Dallas tx
    jay_dallas  over 12 years ago

    Good Grief! I remember buying my first CD player and CDs ā€“ Itā€™s been 30 years?!?!?!

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    kaecispopX  over 12 years ago

    Thanks Dan for yet another reminder that Iā€™m not as young I was blissfully tinking I was.

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    Beardocomics  over 12 years ago

    I was reading an article about this, people all remembered what their first cd was. For me, I bought two cds as my ā€œfirstā€ cd: Stone Temple Pilots ā€œPurpleā€ and The Crow soundtrack. Canā€™t get much more 90ā€™s than that!

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    Dawn Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I still remember going to the store to buy a record in about ā€˜90 or ā€™91 and being told (rather obnoxiously) that record players were ā€œobsolete equipment.ā€ I knew it had been a while since Iā€™d gone out to buy a record but geeze . . .

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  6. Nuke
    docnuke  over 12 years ago

    I went all out for my first CD purchase ā€“ a recording of the 1812 Overture featuring actual cannons. I was like the guy in the Memorex ads, just sitting in front of my stereo letting the pressure waves from cannon fire wash over me.

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  7. Capture
    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    The story I heard was that originally CDs were to hold only 60 minutes of music, but some bigshot at Sony pushed to have them hold 74 minutes, so the whole of Beethovenā€™s 9th Symphony (the bigshotā€™s favorite) could be on one disc.I remember how expensive they were when they first came out, and saving my pennies as a starving student to buy one. My first CD player cost around $280, and the discs were $35.This was back in ā€™86 or ā€™87, so double those amounts to factor in inflation.

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    JR6019  over 12 years ago

    It was about 1990. I went into a record store to look around. I saw the cassettes and those CD things, whatever they were, and went looking for the LPā€™s. I kept looking and looking, and about the time I found one small bin of used disco 13" singles, I realized that there were no LPā€™s in the record store. Cultural Shock!! I bought a Was (Not Was) cassette and got my first CD player for Christmas. I have a 300 CD player now, but I donā€™t use it very much any more.

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