Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 01, 2000

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    Caretaker24523  over 4 years ago

    And I can guarantee that that simple cup of coffee and conversation meant more to that man than all the parades and medals that could ever be given.

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    MattMan_1_00  6 months ago

    As a window washer one time I was in the house of an elderly couple & saw some WWII Navy memorabilia in the husband’s office. My grandfather was in the Navy back then, so I asked if he knew him. He told me that the Navy was so big he probably never got to meet him. After that, he regaled me with stories from the War, explaining bits of his collection to me, as I cleaned. When I was done, his wife thanked me for listening. I told her the pleasure was mine.

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    christianeblevins  22 days ago

    Alas for that WW2 Vet Tyranny has taken over this country

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