“I’ll meet you at the top” often leads to meeting at the bottom. After years of being around climbs mountain goats couldn’t do, the real answer was for most, because it’s fun.
“There is probably no pleasure equal to the pleasure of climbing a dangerous Alp; but it is a pleasure which is confined strictly to people who can find pleasure in it.”
The one that makes me clinch my cheeks is free climbing. No ropes, no safety gear, usually solo. And absolutely no forgiveness for the tinyest mistake. Like they say, “It isn’t the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop.”
Wiley already did this EXACT same strip early in his career. The only differences: guy’s name was different; drawing was different (mountain in question was seen in the distance as the climbers hiked to it), and the mountain’s name was Kumwhatchafall Peak. Either way, BOTH are very funny.
Funny how these things are. When coworkers used to ask me if I wanted to join them in going to a topless bar, I said I reserved the weekend for a chess tournament. If one isn’t in to chess, one probably can’t see how it could possibly compare for excitement!
Linguist over 12 years ago
You go ahead. I’ll watch from the safety of base camp. Actually, tell you what, guys ? Why don’t I just meet you back at the hotel ?
Linux0s over 12 years ago
Fullbodycast Valley should have been your first clue.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
“I’ll meet you at the top” often leads to meeting at the bottom. After years of being around climbs mountain goats couldn’t do, the real answer was for most, because it’s fun.
unnormal over 12 years ago
Some people are addicted to drugs; others to hormones . . . adrenaline comes to mind.
runar over 12 years ago
“There is probably no pleasure equal to the pleasure of climbing a dangerous Alp; but it is a pleasure which is confined strictly to people who can find pleasure in it.”
— Mark Twain, A Tramp AbroadArianne over 12 years ago
But when they triple mountain goat dare ya…. you’re on the Matterhorns of a dilemma.
keenanthelibrarian over 12 years ago
I seem to remember Hillary saying, after Everest, “We did the bugger” or words to that effect. Seems a perfectly good reason to me.
Rational Anarchist over 12 years ago
The one that makes me clinch my cheeks is free climbing. No ropes, no safety gear, usually solo. And absolutely no forgiveness for the tinyest mistake. Like they say, “It isn’t the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop.”
roctor over 12 years ago
Coming back down the mountain is the easiest part.
gjsjr41 over 12 years ago
To each their own.
Varnes over 12 years ago
I guess mountain climbing just peaks their interest…
RoadTrip3500 over 12 years ago
Awww Wiley… this should have been a Saturday 20th Anniversary strip – it was called Mt. Kumwachafall back then…
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Do you think we can get all the politicians to go climb it?
blather046047 over 12 years ago
Great comments, guys.
DrJKnows over 12 years ago
Around here the mountains are the ones falling.
DavidGBA over 12 years ago
Recreation versus leisure . . . .
Digital Frog over 12 years ago
I find the thought of scaling a mountainside absolutely rappelling.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
There’s probably a guru sitting up top that has figured out the meaning of life, but can’t figure out how to get down.
dfowensby over 12 years ago
if you don’t know why, you won’t understand. BS. it’s thinning of the nut cases from the herd. google: the darwin effect
TheAuldWan over 12 years ago
“Because it is there.”
nineteen7d5 over 12 years ago
Wiley already did this EXACT same strip early in his career. The only differences: guy’s name was different; drawing was different (mountain in question was seen in the distance as the climbers hiked to it), and the mountain’s name was Kumwhatchafall Peak. Either way, BOTH are very funny.
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
Without a doubt, the craziest people in mountain climbing movies are the cameramen.
Seed_drill over 12 years ago
I used to live in Big Flats, NY. I always thought, pitty the girl who wins a beauty contest there.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
I’ve a great view with my HDTV.
EdFenster Premium Member over 12 years ago
this would be a lot funnier if it weren’t for the memory of my high school friend who had a piton pull out 900 feet up.
Proginoskes over 12 years ago
If everyone climbs Mount Everest for the challenge, why do they always go up the easy side?
bmonk over 12 years ago
ramonesfan over 12 years ago
Like those wealthy people who journey to Nepal and attempt Mount Everest, because they want to brag about the accomplishment. Some have died trying.
Caddy57 over 12 years ago
Insanity comes in many forms….some even say insanity is a mathematical formula…I=A squared-IN=STUIPDITY infinitum if A=adrenalin and IN=Intelligence
wrwallaceii over 12 years ago
Yep. just another possible Darwin Award in the making
LadyLew over 12 years ago
Funny how these things are. When coworkers used to ask me if I wanted to join them in going to a topless bar, I said I reserved the weekend for a chess tournament. If one isn’t in to chess, one probably can’t see how it could possibly compare for excitement!
tadchem over 12 years ago
Eventually gravity always wins.