Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 03, 2012
Mr. Negato: Prepare to be defeated, Captain Victory! Captain Victory: I'm not Captain Victory anymore. Mr. Negato: What?? Captain Victory: There already was a "Captain Victory." Mr. Negato: So you changed your name? Captain Victory: I'm "Captain Victorious," now. Mr. Negato: Great!! Now I have to get all my death threats reprinted!
Rod Gonzalez about 12 years ago
Should have gone with “Victory Man”.
Hectoruno about 12 years ago
After threatening soneone’s life is getting the name right that inportant? Hey, I just got a letter.
rugeirn about 12 years ago
Every good businessman maintains a certain level of reserve for the unexpected. Even super-villains have to be good businessmen.
nboady about 12 years ago
Sigh… Notice that today’s strip is not zoomable (unlike the strips from the last month or so). That probably means that they plan on using the strips that already exist on gocomics instead of providing the larger ones that existed before the user interface changed. I guess that I can drop this one from my daily viewing (since these can already be seen on this site, starting at the end of Dec 2005).