Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 19, 2014
Man: So, there's the fudge foundry, the carmel smelting pit, the chip riveting station, the butter press... Hamhock: It's great that you converted this scary, dangerous equipment into fun stuff that can't injure anyone! Man: What're you talking about? Why do you think we need you as a replacement? You ever worked a bundt cake drill? Hamhock: I'll be the Keebler elves don't worry about hazard pay...
Coyoty Premium Member almost 11 years ago
They fudge the safety reports.
knight1192a almost 11 years ago
Kiebler elves worry about hazard? Doesn’t Hamhoc know? Ernie runs an incredibly tight ship with even tighter reins on all the magic. Including the magic that turns any elf who brings up the subject of hazard, or even dares to complain, pay into any candy piece their running low on.