Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for March 07, 2009
March 06, 2009
March 08, 2009
Baldo over text message: So whatcha doing tonite? Beatriz over text message: Going to movies with BF Baldo over text message: Why don't u tell that frikin loozer ur going with me insted? Baldo over text messag: Cool.
hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 16 years ago
limarick almost 16 years ago
Wow. I never knew texting could cause an adrenaline surge.
bald almost 16 years ago
it sure can especially when it comes to an affair of the heart
Wildmustang1262 almost 16 years ago
Baldo, you deleted too much on your pager. Too much information!
carmy almost 16 years ago
BF could be boyfriend or hopefully it could be best friend?
BlueRaven almost 16 years ago
BF is always boyfriend. If she meant best friend, it’d be BFF. The third F is for “forever.” Insert appropriate ironic observation here.