Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 23, 2012
Jeff: How can you live with yourself taking people's homes, man? Man 1: Well, I'm not really here to take your home. Jeff: You're not? Man 1: Nah. I'm just here to distract you, man. Jeff: Distract me from what? Man 1: From noticing my partner, who's out back repossessing your Porsche. Jeff: Ha! Like he cna defeat three security sys... Man 2: Nicky! Got it! Let's roll!
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
No House + No Porsche = No Chicks
Linguist over 12 years ago
No Great Loss !
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
Maybe Trff will buy the Porsche at the repo auction.
Cofyjunky over 12 years ago
I thought his ‘book’ was doing well? Next strip we see will be the redhead telling him, “Sorry, we projected the sales wrong—you now owe US money.”
Linguist over 12 years ago
Fear the Mullet !
Pharmakeus Ubik over 12 years ago
There are no shortage of BS peddlers that they are still not wise to, no matter how transparent the lies.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“How can you LIVE with yourself taking people’s homes, man?”
—Jeffrey Redfern, moralist
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
All men together, now: WE WANT BECCA. WE WANT BECCA.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Funny how nobody cares about Jeff. We care about Rick. How come we don’t care about Jeff?
Rational Anarchist over 12 years ago
I’m working on shedding a single tear.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“… because he’s a self-centered Jerk [and] a compulsive liar….”
Just like Jay Gatsby (in Fitzgerald’s GREAT GATSBY), except that Jay is more complex than Jeff — his obsession over an emotional woman, for instance, forms his emotional spine (as observed by narrator Nick Carroway). Nice read, masterskrain.
stellablu122 over 12 years ago
Well there goes the German economy.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“F.Scott” Trudeau appears to have Mike obsess over women as well: first wife JJ, second wife Kim, daughter Alex, and now the publishing siren Becca. Maybe we should elevate his literary status from Fitzgerald to Homer (whose hero Achilles obsessed over Helen of Troy). Naah. Epic mythcrafter ‘n’ dreamweaver Homer is deeper and more multi-dimensional. But still, IMO, Trudeau’s a comic and lefty political genius in his own right. One evidence: reichwingers tend to dismiss him out of hand, simply because he IS left-handed, which they feel is “unfair” and “unbalanced” somehow, thus missing the universal truths he actually can’t help but convey.
BetaIotaMu over 12 years ago
As to the speculation regarding Jeff`s change of fortune – he didn’t seem surprised to see the repo man there. I’m confused as some of you are, too. What did we miss here? Not that I’m not going to enjoy “The Fall of the Red Rascal”. Bring it G.B.! Yep, not much empathy out there for Jeff.
Beleck3 over 12 years ago
empathy for scammers? lol. the reason the right is so hated is they are being used by scammers. ignorance is not a pretty thing when it is used to get over innocents.
the right will have to grow up and face “reality,” which has a liberal bias. lol. the right will die first and take everyone else with them before admitting they are being used. pride goeth before a fall.
and teh right is so full of it, lol. and a lot of the left too. just he left doesn’t buy the BS hook, line and sinker and enjoy getting “others” like the right appears to do.
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
Legalized auto theft? What nonsense. If you can’t pay for the car, give it up. Then you won’t have to fear the repo.
bagbalm over 12 years ago
Traditional publishing you get paid based on a trade journal ESTIMATE of your sales. It is crazy. I sell books on Amazon Kindle and they give me a monthly exact count by country and royalties for each sale on a spreadsheet. Not to mention current month sales and ranking updated hourly.
tcreole over 12 years ago
“you got no money and you got no car? Then you got no women, and there you are.”— Young MC, “Bust a Move”
thirdguy over 12 years ago
Do we know what Porsche it was? Boxster? 911? Cayman? Any chance that it would go on Ebay? I’ve been looking for a slightly used one! And I would gladly give Becca a ride!
junemmoffatt over 12 years ago
I guess they got his Back Porsche—does he still have a Front Porsche?
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
This strip made me go “hee hee!{” I didn’t think I bore much animus toward Jeff, but the hee hee says otherwise.
Your-all’s comments have made me want to read The Great Gatsby when I return to Florida (too busy up here).
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
But he does pretty darn well for a cartoonist. I think there are lots of layers – a veritable palimpsest.
BTW, my brother-in-law dated a woman whose father was the former husband of Scotty Fitzgerald, F. Scott’s daughter (the woman’s mom was a later wife). Another brief brush with fame :-). My brother-in-law’s romance did not turn out well. Premium Member over 12 years ago
The dealership actually did steal my car once — and I had paid cash for it. They called and asked me what my car was doing on their lot and then tried to charge me for the key they used to get into it.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Obama’s re-election is in trouble but no mention on this liberal occupier comic website.”
And your point is . . . [que in the trumpets] . . . .