Heart of the City by Steenz for November 10, 2012
Heart: I had this weird dream last night that I was trying to get rid of a nightmare. Dean: You had a dream about a nightmare. Heart: I said it was weird. Dean: Want to hear my dream? I was married to the elf queen galadriel... Heart: Maybe we should just talk about our favorite tv shows.
sjsczurek about 12 years ago
“Galadriel! Galadriel!Clear is the water of your well!”Cate Blanchette played that part so well, so beautifully.
neatslob Premium Member about 12 years ago
I remember some TV movie from when I was a kid. This guy lived in a quaint New England town and kept having nightmares about people chasing him in some grimy big city. Turned out the big city dream was actually reality and vice versa.
anorok2 about 12 years ago
GASP!!! Is it FINALLY over????
madmarge about 12 years ago
she comes upon the white king sleeping…-————It was the red king who was asleep.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
Agreed Heart.
CoBass about 12 years ago
Since you don’t have “Pro” status, you’re not paying for this, so you’re not putting any money in Mr. Tatulli’s pockets, so you’re not his customer, so he would probably be hard-pressed to care less what you think. His customers – the people at the syndicate and the newspapers who are paying for this strip – seem to like it, as do I. If his customers don’t like it, they’ll tell him quite directly, by no longer purchasing his product. At that point, he’ll either change, or eventually become homeless.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Fair enough. Talking about a dream you had is one of the most boring conversations.