Herman by Jim Unger for December 02, 2012

  1. Tartan colorado
    oranaiche  over 12 years ago

    You’d prefer the alternative?

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  2. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 12 years ago

    I sure would like to know what the advantages are, too !The only one I can think of is being able to say whatever I want, when I want to.

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  3. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 12 years ago

    As a wise old sage named George Carlin once observed, getting older means


    1. You never have to carry anything by yourself


    2. You can leave any gathering just by saying you’re tired


    3. You’re no longer responsible for remembering things

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    tpoelsma  over 12 years ago


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    RonaldDavis  over 12 years ago

    5. Nobody expects you to run into a burning building.6. In a hostage-taking, you are most likely to be released first.7. Retirement.

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    jorgen Premium Member over 12 years ago

    8. The older you get, the longer you live.

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  7. Obie
    tagteam  over 12 years ago

    9. People who once thought you were goofy now just call you eccentric!

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Senile is in the eye of the beholder.The beholder usually gets an eye full.

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    jadoo823  over 12 years ago

the best thing about getting older is obvious – it’s way better than the alternative!

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    K M  over 12 years ago

    Early dinner at Denny’s!

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Mom said the best thing was the senior citizen discount.

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  12. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 12 years ago

    You can tell the youngsters today how when we were their age, there were only 5 networks, NBC, CBS, PBS, ABC and on Independent Station. No Cable or Satellite, had to use an outdoor Antennta or ‘Rabbit Ears’>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tigger, I can tell that you’re not all that old.When I was a kid, only the very wealthy had TV. We grew up on radio first. Television only had 3 national channels, CBS,NBC and ABC. Public television didn’t come along until the sixties. The was “live” daytime broadcasts throughout the 50’s. including such forerunners to Seseme Street, as Miss Francis’ Ding Dong School !

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