Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for November 16, 2012

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    kevinc70  over 12 years ago

    At the local store the Saturday before Halloween, all Halloween candy was in the clearance bin.

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    Doctor_McCoy  over 12 years ago

    Are Easter hams on sale yet?

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    mhlon Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Don’t know about the rest of the country but here in Michigan the stores have decided that Thanksgiving has been a wasted opportunity for them and they are now having mostly all day sales on Thursday instead of waiting for Friday. I mean why share a meaningful day with friends and family when you can go to the mall and immerse yourself in materialism and mob mentality. Not only that but most people have the day off, so they have like all day to shop. Lots of people still have to work on Friday. Can’t wait for stores to start opening at noon on Christmas for clearance sales and returns. Why wait until the 26th?

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    finale  over 12 years ago

    “Occupy Your Sofa and Boycott Black Friday”

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 12 years ago

    So Arlo is saying they’ve been up soo long that they’re already a clearance sale on the decorations?

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    Dragon0131  over 12 years ago

    Yup. I’ve seen them since Labor Day. The funniest experience was at Sears. It was right after Labor Day, one side of the dispaly was Halloween, another part was Christmas and there was the summer clearence stuff. Lol

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    katybissell  over 12 years ago

    It’s pretty rare now that I do any Christmas shopping at a mall. I can order anything online, including gift cards; why should I mess with driving around looking for a parking spot and fighting my way through huge throngs of people? Even Black Friday deals are now available online.

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    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    I saw a Christmas tree ornament that said “BAH HUMBUG” at Target.

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    gaebie  over 12 years ago

    And just what is doing in the last frame? Eating lettuce plain instead of making the salads?

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    annamargaret1866  over 12 years ago

    Checked out and liked.

    Good luck!

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    gocomicsmember  over 12 years ago

    Most raw lettuce tends to be bitter, especially the most common type, iceberg. I don’t understand why it is so popular. However, I don’t think that Janis is eating lettuce in the last frame. I think she just has her hand (with the lettuce in it) between the viewer and her mouth.

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    water_moon  over 12 years ago

    Our local Blain’s Farm and Fleet had all “harvest” decorations on clearance, basiclly Halloween AND Thanksgiving in late SEPTEMBER.

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    elysummers  over 12 years ago

    LOL. :)

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