Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 06, 2012
Dad: "Luann and Quill are a couple now, huh?" Mom: "So she said. She sure looked happy" Dad: "Yeah. Well, as long as she keeps her promise to end the chats by 11p.m." Mom: "At least she's chatting with someone we approve of. Quill's a nice boy" Dad: "He is. And if my daughter's gonna be gaga over a hunky guy. It's nice that he's well out of arm's reach" Mom: "The perfect boyfriend, huh?"
luann's zit about 12 years ago
I wish this strip wasn’t so G rated so we could see what Luann is showing Quill.
traneengineer about 12 years ago
I’m happy it’s G rated. I don’t think 16 year old girls at home should be participating in explicit sexual encounters; give the girl time to grow up! I never heard of someone getting pregnant or an STD by abstaining. :)
ShagsCA about 12 years ago
The great thing about comics is you can trace the characters and dress them as you like…or not.
legaleagle48 about 12 years ago
Funny how the roles reverse when it comes to Luann and Quill. I seem to remember Nancy being the overprotective hard-liner when Brad first started dating Toni — yet here, she’s practically cheering Luann on, while Frank is the one with his knickers in a twist. Can you say “double standard,” boys and girls?
whiskeystilettos about 12 years ago
I had an online relationship once. It turned into me becoming a webcam model.
evergrey about 12 years ago
It’s getting a bit creepy up in here today… :o
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
There’s no double standard here. Men remember how bad they were as boys, and thus go superprotective on their daughters. Meanwhile, moms remember how bad they were as girls, and thus go superprotective on their sons. It all makes perfect sense.
gkid about 12 years ago
Ah. good…a peaceful resolution. All’s wellthat ends well. And I’m glad that they’restill together. Wouldn’t it be neat if the parentsgot to see other online sometime?I wonder what they look like. Good people, likeQuill. :-)
Dconskjk about 12 years ago
Ah, so some of our thoughts yesterday about Frank’s ideas about a good boyfriend show up here (distance and otherwise). But Quill getting up at 5am is going to take its toll. Just be easier to transfer him to an american university…that is, if the time for Quill and Luann in a relationship is not numbered already
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
…Meanwhile, Brad hacks into Luann;s Skype account……
Vegasgirl about 12 years ago
I remember Miguel, but I forget the near date rape. Do you have a timeframe that I can look back in the archives?
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
Oh, they all no ‘no love without the glove’. For their own sanity too. Child support, not so fun to pay forever.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
dads and daughters relationship is different than a mother daughter relationship.
Glomar about 12 years ago
@VegasgirlIn fact, teen pregnancies aren’t increasing. Your assertion that it is so is incorrect. Statistics from the CDC state: “The birth rate for U.S. teenagers fell 9 percent from 2009 to 2010, to 34.3, the lowest level ever reported in the seven decades for which a consistent series of rates is available.” While it might be due to passing out condoms, I think it is more likely better information passed to kids at a much earlier age. Contraception, then, is used much more responsibly. What that has to do with Luanne, I’m not sure, but I thought it appropriate to set the record straight with respect to something stated a few times here as though it was truth, when, in fact, the opposite is true.
Glomar about 12 years ago
oh – and here is the link to my information source:
Mordock999 about 12 years ago
What’s the problem here, Frank?Would you rather Your highly impressionable daughter go “Coo-Coo for Coco-Puffs” over the Local THUGS?!?
Glomar about 12 years ago
Always happy to illuminate! The CDC report is actually VERY interesting. I encourage folks to have a look. It debunks both Fox News and MSNBC with respect to this important topic.
MDeB about 12 years ago
That depends..Can he breathe through his ears?
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
Nah. He only has to breathe through the corner of his mouth. It’s the same trick you learn on the swim team to breathe while swimming fast.
Kathy M T M Premium Member about 12 years ago
odd where all your minds go just because 2 kids are skyping. O_o
Vegasgirl about 12 years ago
Thank you. I tried to go back on this site, but it only lets me go back to 2002. Can you walk me through how to go back further?
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Nancy, Frank, and Luann seem to have worked out a reasonable compromise, So all’s well for the moment. When will Quill show up in the flesh on their doorstep?
Vegasgirl about 12 years ago
Okay, once again I wrote a lengthy response but this contraption wouldn’t let me post it. Short version, I agree with the TV thing.
Vegasgirl about 12 years ago
Lev, after 5, getting a little sleepy, if you post how I can go on the archives to ‘99 I’d really appreciate it and I’ll check when I get up.
draksig about 12 years ago
until summer vacation time.
Vegasgirl about 12 years ago
Thanks for the tips. I got back to Sept of ‘99 but didn’t see anything about Miguel. It was really interesting tossed them all from so long ago though.
MDeB about 12 years ago
Sex per se is not the problem (imo).Sex will not go away, and with today’s electronic devices it cannot be hidden from the young like it used to be with printed word and TV restrictions.What I am in favour of is good sex education that says, for instance, “sex is fun WHEN you are ready for it”; “sex causes pregnancy; children are a tie and costly; it’s good to have fun when young before being tied down by children”; “sex can give you lots of nasty diseases”; “heres how to avoid pregnancy and disease”; “you have the right to say no to sex”..On balance I think it is better that kids know about sex. In the olden days child sex abuse was easy because children would be embarassed and not report it, ore not be believed if they did, or if believed, then it woul likely be covered up.Look at RC church in the past, or the Jimmy Saville c ase current in the UK.
MDeB about 12 years ago
“What character is other?”.I suggest you go and re-read the post until it makes sense, or until you read something into it that isn’t there – whichever comes later.
whayle about 12 years ago
MIguel was not a rapist. I think he was truly enamoured by Luann and his affection was just a little more agresssive than she was comfortable with. I do not at all think he was trying to push her into sex. Heavy make out session, yes. Rape, no. And I don’t think she was entirely AGAINST it. It was just a little more hot and heavy than she was ready for. She is still a good girl.
ACTIVIST1234 about 12 years ago
Dad, so she "promised to end the chats by 11 pm? Have you already forgotten the “tee hee, stop it or by parents might hear” comment from her room? Looks like Mr. Evans is letting parents know that kids CAN get in trouble with Skype or sexting. Pictures are forever.*Need to cool down? Yesterday I discovered Burger King’s seasonal “Gingerbread Shake”. It rocks. (Like the Stones, only fresher.)
ACTIVIST1234 about 12 years ago
And yesterday Quill was too, too smooth when they were caught. IMHO, he has the qualities of a budding Lothario.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 12 years ago
Robert Tompsett said, “Socities’ morales SUCK!”-Societies don’t have morals. Individuals do or don’t. -If you don’t like those of certain members of society, that is on you. You can convince them to change or mind your own business. It’s all your choice.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
But wouldn’t that be TJ who does the hacking?^^Nawwww, Brad just loves to tease his sister, think of the way he could blackmail her, hahahaha
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 12 years ago
Leviticus said,@Vegasgirl “The kids are at an impressionable age and when they see everybody on television and in the movies having sex, they think it is what they are supposed to do. My thought anyway.”-It stands to reason. Television doesn’t judge actions. Real parents do. Television and other media often encourage misbehavior. Real parents don’t.-(By real parents, I mean parents who care about their children and their futures. I‘m not talking about people who produced children and then had no idea how to turn them into decent human beings or didn‘t care if they were or not.)-Children need guidance. They need parents who let them know the consequences of actions — not the “I’ll kill you if you do this,” kind, but the ones who let them know there will be consequences in life, sometimes expensive and painful consequences.-I remember my father saying he wouldn’t risk getting a girl pregnant he didn’t think would be a good mother for his children. That made an impression.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
InColorado about 12 years ago
Men are super protective of their daughters BECAUSE they remember what they were like as boys!
Attila The Voice! about 12 years ago
Well seeing how cool Frank was leaving Luann and Quill together to “make music” while he and mom were out for 3 hours before Quill got the call to come home and pack AND letting TJ the boy he detested stay over after he caused the house fire, he is a pretty lenient guy when it really counts :)
susanron about 12 years ago
To VegasGirl: Actually, teen pregnancies are declining, not increasing. See here:
Rates are down 8 percent since 2007, as I read it. Still too many, but fewer.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Well, yes, but, that’s the same thing haha
ComicsInMyPants Premium Member about 12 years ago
Now, show us what happens in a big person bedroom!
Hawthorne about 12 years ago
@Alananda – Yes, pregnancy rates do vary regionally, and education and cultural bias tend to be the critical influences.
Direct parental influences can accomplish only so much in a broad culture which actively sabotages parents, which this one does, broadly speaking. Even naturally compliant kids can be sucked into the vortex of peer pressure and media influence. It’s a crap shoot …
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
Vegasgirl about 12 years ago
Thank you. It’s fun to see the old cartoons. Also interesting to see that she turned 16 13 years ago.
samwas35 about 12 years ago
Looks like Nancy has something in mind that will keep Frank “up” for a while!
pseudomao about 12 years ago
My thought is the increase can be blamed on television and the movies.
Solution: Don’t watch TV and carefully select the movies. That’s what we do here.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
drewpamon about 12 years ago
Looking back at the Miguel story I have to say first of all it was a long way from a date rape more of an uncomfortable situation that went a bit further than she was comfortable with. Second Luann hasn’t had a birthday in 13 years? Third Frank seems to understand that getting a teenager hot and bothered and frustrated rarely leads to the good.
transylvanian about 12 years ago
If they only knew what ALMOST happened. ;)
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Shame on you, Mikey – I wasn’t going to disclose his location… :)
It’s ok, they only know his secret identity
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 12 years ago
“This guidance has to be at the level of the child’s understanding. For example, you can’t convince a 4-year-old if he runs into the street he may get hit by a car, but if you take away his TV privileges, that will be understandable. As the kid matures you can phase in more of the real world in your guidance procedures.”-Nope, I reject that assertion. A child doesn’t have to know why not to run in the street. He just needs to know not to do it. A kid doesn’t need to know why not to hit or touch other people. He just needs to know not to do it.-Life is filled with things which are taboo because of perfectly good reasons which they don’t need to know. Candy from strangers. Light sockets. Sharp objects. Being intentionally rude. We can discuss why not to do those things later but accept they are not to be done right now. In fact those who insist they should only listen when they understand WHY are simply refusing to learn. That does NOT mean we should not give them guidance by telling they in the first place.-I explain to kids frequently not to do something because I don’t want to have to clean up the blood and broken glass if they do. I explained to a nephew once that he needed to wear his seat belt in case I had to slam on brakes or else he would break my windshield with his face and it would cost me over a hundred dollars. He didn’t like it but he didn’t have a hundred dollars to spare so he buckled up.-Most important though, is that some things simply don’t require understanding. Kids don’t need to under the Pauli Exclusion Principle of quantum physics and how it applies to the fact that two objects can’t occupy the same space at the same time so something’s gonna break if they try.
tegm about 12 years ago
I am happy that Luann is getting a hot guy. You have all these ‘hot and sexy’ women in this comic interested in non-hot guys, it’s nice to see it the other way around so thank you.