Garfield by Jim Davis for January 04, 2013

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 12 years ago

    No, Jim, say it ain’t so!

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    Llewellenbruce  almost 12 years ago

    You have to work first before you retire Garfield.

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    paha_siga  almost 12 years ago

    I wonder if we would notice any difference.

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    ace00000000  almost 12 years ago

    oh dear Jim isn’t trying to suggest anything here right?

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    pcolli  almost 12 years ago

    Nothing stays fresh forever. You try keeping a daily strip going for the same length of time.

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    rsantalone  almost 12 years ago

    Hmmmmmm, good point. Keep in mind: Jim Davis has been cranking out Garfield strips since June 19, 1978 , i.e. more than 34 years. Remember: Cathy Guisewite retired on October 3, 2010 after 34 years of creating the strip “Cathy”.

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    PookyandOdie  almost 12 years ago

    Not funny, but nice pun. Besides, the whole Paws team has a lot of artists, writers, editors, you name it that makes up a strip. Plus, Jim makes strips 8-10 weeks in advance, no more, no less. There’s NO way that this strip’ll retire after this date. NO WAY, JOSE

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    PookyandOdie  almost 12 years ago

    What about Blondie? and Archie? and Doonesbury? and Gasoline Alley?

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    Number Three  almost 12 years ago

    Retire from what? Taking naps in the middle of the day?

    LOL xxx

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    kbyrdleroy  almost 12 years ago

    The world IS coming to an end!!!!

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    ncalifgirl58  almost 12 years ago

    I’ll take a villa too please. Garfield has gone the same route as Snoopy I think.

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    alondra  almost 12 years ago

    Garfield will never retire even if they do begin rerunning the strips like they’ve done with others. I still remember the first ones and how funny they were. Bring it on and let Mr. Davis retire.

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    Robert Allen  almost 12 years ago

    A good strip for GMG.

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    Can't Sleep  almost 12 years ago

    You said: “Now 4 boring ones in a row!…”-————————————————-When Garfield gets his villa, you can supply the whine.Okay, you don’t find them funny, but jeez…

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    notmyday03 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I hope that this isn’t an indication by Jim Davis himself that he’s thinking of hanging up his pen, so to speak. Garfield will live on forever of course

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    Karaboo2  almost 12 years ago

    Garf your villa is the doghouse.

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    Popeyesforearm  almost 12 years ago

    no one retires in the U.S. anymore. Doomed to work until you fall face first into your keyboard.

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    gfchl  almost 12 years ago

    if this ends, we’ll never get to see if Jon marries or Garfield Dies!

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    The#1BoiseStateFan  almost 12 years ago

    Guys, I think it was just a joke. Jim has about 10 more years of writing Garfield before he retires. When or if he retires, before he does, he’ll pry teach his son or someone to draw this. If it’s HIS work only, then I will think Jim Davis retires when he is about a little bit from 80 years old. I think Garfield was saying he was going to retire from being annoying. He’ll go up a step or step down to be MORE annoying or being a little sensitive. Hopefully nothing is wrong.

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    rgcviper  almost 12 years ago

    I, too, hope Jim will continue with the “Garfield” strips. I’ve read every comic, and look forward to more in the days to come.

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    jimboylan  almost 12 years ago

    I think that Garfield was speaking in the slightly British sense, retire meaning “go to sleep to rest for the night”.

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    keljabalyn  almost 12 years ago

    Please Nooooooooooooooooooooooo

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    jonas.bahn  almost 12 years ago

    Bye Garfield. We’ll give you a bed as your villa.

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    raptor2507  over 11 years ago

    retire of what? eating and sleeping

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    Sky's_the_limit  over 4 years ago

    Retire from what exactly?

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    Johnny Appleseed   almost 4 years ago

    He never did anything to retire! XD

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    WentHulk  over 3 years ago

    Retiring would require you having a job in the first place Garfield.

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    LordHishimidoink  about 2 years ago

    Garf seems strangely thin in this one.

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