We want you to exhibit next year Charlene...for an entire month!
what an honor!
We never expected you to have such a huge turnout!
Hahahah I have a lot of relatives!
Some guy from Paris wants my moms exhibit too!
He's from the "Look"
Whatever that is.
Plods with ...™ about 12 years ago
A bathroom that comes to a point?
hcr1985 about 12 years ago
Sounds like a happy ending for all!!!
mabrndt Premium Member about 12 years ago
It’s actually Louvre — but I’ve often wondered why the spelling doesn’t match the pronunciation. Why the extra silent letters?
David Smirh about 12 years ago
Wow ! This must be the most succesful (entended) family in history. I can’t wait for them to cure cancer, end poverty and bring peace to earth.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
It’s great to see you kids again.
cabalonrye about 12 years ago
@mabrndt – The spelling does match the pronunciation, in French. We do pronounce the r, deep in the back of the throat. That’s a sound which doesn’t exist in English so most English people don’t catch it. In French it is pronounced lou-vre.
hippogriff about 12 years ago
cabalonrye: Sorta like you intended to pronounce it and almost did. It’s there, but you have to listen carefully.
cabalonrye about 12 years ago
@wecatsgocomics – come on, don’t tell me you didn’t invent ‘th’ just to have a laugh at us. Ze Louvre is a perfect tit for tat if I may say so.
@Gweedo Murray – I listened to the French voice in Google, I heard the r. I guess if the sound doesn’t exist in your own language it is a bit hard for your ear to decipher it.
kaystari Premium Member about 12 years ago
“we never expected you to have such a huge turnout”??? how insulting can you get!
tegm about 12 years ago
Haha awesome! I’m late again but loved this one <3