Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 23, 2012

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    Yuseff  over 12 years ago

    They must listen to Karl Rove

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    Not just Ohio. They also won Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

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  3. Obedient
    Basqueian  over 12 years ago

    No, they won Narnia, Mordor and Cloud Coo-Coo land

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 12 years ago

    Along with RE ;-), people need better educating in statistics and how to interpret them (that goes for the UK too). Starting with how to assess the validity of the data being analyzed.

    Having not heard of ORCA and just googled, I assume the post about it is a proof that Americans DO do irony?

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 12 years ago

    >No, they won Narnia, Mordor 
well I suppose those two were a given

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    President Romney is in the Oval Office even as we speak. Already he’s cancelled the Senate (though for some odd reason he kept the House).

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    Meet the new Secretary of State — Karl Rove, grinning, pointed canines dripping red.

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    lisapaloma13  over 12 years ago

    or Obama Reelection Campaign App.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality .” ― Ayn Rand.————————————————————

    Only problem with this Russian import was that she herself ignored reality.

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    hogbreath4u  over 12 years ago

    Here come the fact checkers again
.Ohio was a 68% turnout. No county turned out more than 77%. This was less than the last two elections at 70%.

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    RedsFan323 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    how nice of Momsaid to prove the cartoonist’s point about “low information” voters..

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    cdward  over 12 years ago

    Voldemort → Valdemort → Waldemort → Walemort → Walmort → Walmart.

    Now it all fits. Walmart was a big Republican supporter.

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  13. The rings
    Liam Astle Premium Member over 12 years ago

    This is a great and glorious day when the superior Democrats are in charge. Now they can start taking care of us like we are children.

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  14. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    The Democrats are not interested in taking care of us like children. They just want to have a more level playing field for those who don’t have any Romney family $ to borrow from. Vote Democratic— the a$$ you save may be your own.

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    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    The Democrats didn’t steal the election, there are just more Democrats than Republicans and more of them showed up. It is called Math.

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  16. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    So Fox News reports everything that is posted on Facebook as fact? Well, that explains a lot I guess

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  17. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    Obama didn’t win North Carolina.That is where my oldest neice lives and she doesn’t speak to her mother or sisters except to spout some canned garbage she heard on Faux Noise.

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    thirdguy  over 12 years ago

    “Angry low information voters.”Perhaps the coolest understatement of the year!

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    Commentator  over 12 years ago

    Of course GT is referring to Romney, without a word on Ron Paul.

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  20. United federation
    corzak  over 12 years ago

    It seems . . . that over the last few years . . . whipped on by Fox LimBeck, the ‘right’ has drifted further and further right into cloud cuckoo land and irrelevance. The ‘left’ has moved to the right, to colonize this newly created vacuum and occupy the center . . . and even center-right.It seems that today, the only available ‘real estate’ for a true opposition party . . . is to the left of the Democratic Party!

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  21. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    Like many things concerning the far right, the secession movement is a joke. It is a tiny group of people who have been experiencing an extreme case of sour grapes.

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    kaffekup   over 12 years ago

    And my all-time favorite bumper sticker is “If liberals hated America, they’d vote Republican”.

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    cwg  over 12 years ago

    So when do we return to a more current strip?

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    kaffekup   over 12 years ago

    ‘Impulse control = better revenge.’.Barack Obama in the White House = best revenge.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    “Maybe we SHOULD give all the people that want to Secede some state that nobody would miss, like Wyoming . . . .”

    Hey! Wyoming contains Old Faithful! And wild buffalo bison herds! And stacked-up fossil forests! And . . . . An’ you want Billow and Rash and Rmoney to have it?

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    50th State Hawaii also contains a memorial to Pearl Harbor:

    “On the morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise air attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. After just two hours of bombing, more than 2,400 Americans were dead, 21 ships* had either been sunk or damaged, and more than 188 U.S. aircraft destroyed.”

    I would suggest a colony on Mars. Only some, a few, among the card-carrying members of the extreme reichwing “white power” neo-nazi movement in America — whom I call the “science fantasy” faction — already dream of such a separation (for blue-eyed Aryans only that is).

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    GasHouseGorilla  over 12 years ago

    Hey Garry, you’re full of crap!!

    The reason why Obama won the election is because “Free Stuff” has replaced freedom & Obama said he will try to pass the “dream act” for anybody illegal (That doesn’t follow the rules) can be a US citizen, thus makin minorities mindless zombies (Without thinking on their own) automatic voters for democrats. My relative said "Romney is going to win, I just know it, but I had slight doubts because people like Garry Trudeau, and the media, are LAP DOGS for Obama, not WATCH DOGS in which the media is supposed to do! And what did you know, I was right!!!

    Now, we are going to Obama Care in which it’s going to be like Europe (Libs love Europe and just want to be like them) like Banning guns in which that guy in Norway still killed 70 people! Hostess Bakeries is out of business, along with Boeing layoffs, do you see any “change” coming about. I’m a retired AF VET and I can some benefits, but giving an illegal Mexican alien FREE COLLEGE TUITION, while I saved my money in service for mine! I busted my butt trying to better myself!

    Acutally, I think you libs and prgressives are living in a dream world. I’ve pinched myself, and I’m living in reality.You call me a racist, fine, I see black and hispanic rascists all the time. Oh yeah, I’ve take my meds. Listen to me!

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    “BENGHAZI-GATE !!!!!”

    GUMSHOE-GATE !!!!!

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    pouncingtiger  over 12 years ago

    I love it how GT rubs it in.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 12 years ago

    “Low-information voters,” a/k/a Republicans.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    America didn’t even fire Mitt “I like firing people” Rmoney. America just refused his job application.

    Faux News, you can stop second-guessing America now.

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    Davepostmp  over 12 years ago

    Where were you imported from?

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    Rottiluv  over 12 years ago

    As someone who likes the Yukon, and Montana

    Give them Florida, they can preach the gospel to the gators.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

 the looters now outnumber the producers in America .
” — Travis Bickel (in this thread, search above to find).

    I feel like amending my post (above) to Donald Ostrem. I told him that “the wealthy, plutocratic, leisure class” “rides on the backs of the hardworking American.”

    I said, "They call themselves “job creators” and “makers” while dismissing the real laborers and hardworkers (such as yourself if you’re telling the truth) as “takers”, “moochers”, “whiners”, etc.

    My revised statement now reads:

    “They call themselves “job creators”, “producers”, and “makers” while dismissing the real laborers and hardworkers (such as yourself if you’re telling the truth) as “takers”, “moochers”, “whiners”, “looters”, etc.

    Thanks, Trav, for helping me to strengthen my point.

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    unintent2000  over 12 years ago

    In 46 states and the District of Columbia, President Obama did worse in 2012 than he did in 2008, winning by less or losing by more. The vote in most counties, too, shifted to the political right.

    how do you like that math!

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    Kip W  over 12 years ago

    By the time I first heard of ORCA, it had already jumped the shark.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    “48.5% of America”

    48.5% of the vote ≠ 48.5% of America

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  38. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 12 years ago

Face it folks – 48.5% of America did not want Mr. Obama to continue to be POTUS.”-How much percentage of the voters didn’t want W to be POTUS — first or second time?

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  39. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    Actually, under Obama the debt has been rapidly shrinking. Check out—

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    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    The Ayn Rand books are kind of adolescent fare. You get over them.

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  41. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    More helpful info about the fiscal cliff and debt concerns: she gives more info for arguing with your giant uncle over the holiday.

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  42. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    No way are we giving up Hawaii dude! It is a magical place. I am so sad we aren’t going there for Christmas anymore since my in-laws moved to Michigan. Big change there

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    jnik23260  over 12 years ago

    Actually, Faux News’ showing of the Scary Black Panther in ONE Philadelphia voting precinct stopped white voters from coming out in WI, CO, MN, NV, IA,OH, NH, and PA. If there had been two, like 4 years ago, Obama would have won IN and NC.

    BTW, Kim has a nice rack.

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    unintent2000  over 12 years ago

    how soon they forget Diana Feinstein objected to the electoral count in Ohio in 2004 and delayed counting the electoral votes for one day. Was she denying reality?

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