Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for April 22, 2013
teddy roosevelt built a treehouse in a cherry tree on the tidal basin that was used as a presidential retreat up through the nixon years. nixon: uh-oh. enemies. no girls or jews the official peak blossom date is secretly controlled by exec-utives of the rand corporation, haliburton and nbc-4 weather-man bob ryan. exec 1: may 20th. bob: july 6th. exec 2: i say we skip it entirely this year. on that day, kitsch-starved tourists arrive by the billions, hoping for just a glimpse of the pale, fragile blossoms. oop: there's one! driver 1: sakura driver 2: shut up! here's a tip for first-time visitors: cherry blossoms make a tasty & nutritious cole slaw! so when you go down to the tidal basin, bring along the mayonnaise! wife: mmmm-yummy! hey - where'd you get the pancakes?
Ida No almost 12 years ago
Nixon: “True fact!”
Pickbrain almost 12 years ago
Alas, Bob Ryan is no longer with WRC, the local NBC affiliate. He’s now with WJLA (ABC).
Christopher Shea almost 12 years ago
Hey, Bob Ryan’s at ABC now.
ossiningaling almost 12 years ago
Ummmm. Pancakes.
waykirk almost 12 years ago
I was fortunate enough to meet the old red head, Bob Ryan and his lovely wife Olga, while working at a lighting store in the nearby DC suburb of McLean, VA that shall remain nameless.
Both of them were nice and down to earth folks, especially MRS. Ryan.
I also met a number of the other residents of the area, Supreme Court Justice Kennedy, former Redskins Coach, Jim Zorn, Newscaster, Roger Mudd, and many others. You never knew who might show up on any given day.
I especially enjoyed meeting the WWII vets.
Most of these customers were not pushy but kind to us retail wage workers.
On the other hand, there were the ladies who wore their furs in the middle of summer so that everyone would notice.
They were the same ones who yakked on their cell phones when you tried to ring them up. They would run you over in the parking lot so that they didn’t miss a call.
I had never seen a black aluminum American Express Card until I worked there. I understand that means no limit on what they can purchase.
I did retire a few years ago from the rat race after the last six years of my working life at that place and after fifty years of various endeavors. At this far point I kind of miss it a bit.
My useless co-workers were not nearly as kind and I dont miss them at all. Not one bit.
The old Sarge
p.s. Stop worrying about florescent bulbs. The mercury content is this much in an average bulb. (.)
Worry more about distracted drivers. One in ten is drunk or stoned.
Pickbrain almost 12 years ago
Just don’t let the falling cherry blossoms stick to the maple syrup on the pancakes …