Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for December 21, 2012

  1. Thumb dr strange
    LeoAutodidact  about 12 years ago

    Ooh! Peekaboo’s got a present IN the Tree this year!

    (Let’s see how long Rose’s garlands last with their new ‘House Guest’!)

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    Wren Fahel  about 12 years ago

    One day, years ago, my husband had the feeling that something was “amiss” in our apartment. I couldn’t figure out what, so figured that he was just being paranoid or something. All I noticed was that our 2 cats seemed to be eating a little more than usual. Then a few days later we came home and a hat that was on the table moved & “chittered” at us. It turned out that a squirrel had gotten into the apartment, and BOTH cats let it stay and even let it eat some of their food! (We also found evidence that it was sleeping on our bed with the cats!)

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    jenbrown1017  about 12 years ago


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    rshive  about 12 years ago

    Wonder whether Rose knows he’s there.

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    Mel-T-Pass Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Just re-read the first 7 Rose is Rose collections. The strip these days does not compare.

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    Sharon Hayes  about 12 years ago

    Hope they don’t freak out like the Griswold’s did.

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    meowlin  about 12 years ago

    One day a squirrel got into our house somehow (never did figure out how). It was frantically running from back to front and back again – amazingly enough my (then three) cats didn’t chase it, but just sat back and allowed it to run. I opened the front door and a back window, and eventually it found its way out.

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    ellisaana Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I once wrote an estimate on a Jeep with tears all over its interior and an odd round hole in its top. A squirrel had somehow gotten inside and then it ate through the top to escape.

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    Puddleglum2  about 12 years ago

    He ‘squirreled’ himself away in the tree.

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    Elderflower  about 12 years ago

    reminds me of a Mickey Mouse Christmas special in which Chip and Dale end up in Mickey’s Christmas tree (and terrorize Pluto).

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