New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for November 06, 2008

  1. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    The comedians were all hoping McCain/Palin would win, and while I agree that there was a richer source of material there, I’m more content to bask in the anguish and rage of the wingnut punditry.

    One website claims to have received a phone call from Hamas declaring that they’re preparing a letter of congratulations to send to Obama. The question I have is if they got a call from Hamas, why aren’t they under investigation by DHS for their ties to terrorists?

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  2. Ssn585
    Subtorp401  over 16 years ago

    This reminds me of an old Reagan joke. I’ll spare the details.

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  3. 125px flag of colorado svg
    CaptainColorado  over 16 years ago

    Good point. Now who are the comedians going to make fun of?

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  4. Joanbks
    JSilvers Premium Member over 16 years ago

    they said the same thing when Richard Nixon resigned. About the only business that prospers under the Republicans is cartooning.

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    Machtyn  over 16 years ago

    I’m really surprised the last panel didn’t state that due to higher taxes, companies were forced to fire staff and were no longer hiring.

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  6. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    Machtyn, on 4 October you stated that you “…signed up for the express purpose of venting at this weeks [sic] comic.” and since then, you have only posted on this comic. I can’t speak for all the people who regularly post here, but I think most (and HRM) would concur with me in saying “We are not amused”. You are have nothing constructive to say, are barely worth the effort of typing a reply. Why don’t you go over to State of the Union? You and Carl Moore can whine at each other for the next four or eight years (on your way, don’t forget to stop at for your daily dose of Mallard Fillmore).

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    Machtyn  over 16 years ago

    You are correct that I only post on this comic, it’s the only interesting comic to post in. The others I read, Calvin & Hobbes and Foxtrot, are both reruns, but good reads. I comment here, perhaps to be a troll, but more to give a balance. As you’ve also notice, I’m sure, I’ve only posted here about 5 times. Besides, what’s wrong with enjoying good comedy. Though I disagree with the author’s politics, I believe he presents his comedy and viewpoint in an interesting and entertaining way. It is fun to read. You are correct, I have nothing positive to say about Obama’s or McCain’s economic policies or, really, many of their other policies. Fortunately, we don’t have to deal with McCain. Unfortunately, if Obama keeps his promises we’ll have to deal with those policies for years to come. At least, the liberal media would have done all they could to ruin McCain’s presidency as they did Bush’s (granted, GWB didn’t help himself much either because he tried to appeal to and work with them.) So McCain would have been a lame duck. I’m afraid Obama will do to much harm before being blocked.

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    Pab Sungenis creator over 16 years ago

    Machtyn: You do offer an interesting point of view occasionally. If we all liked the same things, then life would be boring. More people would read “Cathy,” too.

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