@KasparV; There was a Discovery special about it. Legends said the statues “walked”. They made one from concrete and found out how to walk it into place by rocking it with ropes. Once they got started, it was fairly easy to keep it going at a pretty good clip, considering.
" In a piece of experimental archaeology, a team of local and U.S. researchers showed that the massive statues, known as moai, can be moved from side to side by a small number of people, just as one might move a fridge.
“We constructed a precise three-dimensional 4.35 metric ton replica of an actual statue and demonstrated how positioning the center of mass allowed it to fall forward and rock from side to side causing it to ‘walk,’” Carl Lipo, an archaeologist at California State University, Long Beach, and colleagues wrote in the Journal of Archaeological Science."
that’s funny!!!!!!…….always have loved B.C. funny strip especially Wiley’s dictionary with the funny defintions of words and Wiley himself funny with a wooden leg and scared of water…I new to Go Comics just signed up…ronald54321 really is that a fact???
KA7DRE Premium Member about 12 years ago
That Moai must be asleep, I don’t see his eyes.
hawgowar almost 12 years ago
@KasparV; There was a Discovery special about it. Legends said the statues “walked”. They made one from concrete and found out how to walk it into place by rocking it with ropes. Once they got started, it was fairly easy to keep it going at a pretty good clip, considering.
" In a piece of experimental archaeology, a team of local and U.S. researchers showed that the massive statues, known as moai, can be moved from side to side by a small number of people, just as one might move a fridge.
“We constructed a precise three-dimensional 4.35 metric ton replica of an actual statue and demonstrated how positioning the center of mass allowed it to fall forward and rock from side to side causing it to ‘walk,’” Carl Lipo, an archaeologist at California State University, Long Beach, and colleagues wrote in the Journal of Archaeological Science."
prasrinivara almost 12 years ago
I didn’t know that Nebookanezzar (see “Crock” strips) was carved THAT early!
nurbz almost 12 years ago
Body’s that leaned forward so that 18 people pulling on ropes attatched to the shoulders could “walk” them UP AND DOWN HILLS!!
jtviper7 almost 12 years ago
Don’t say " HEAD "…
loveofabove almost 12 years ago
where are the other six?
ronald54321 almost 12 years ago
The Easter Island heads do have bodies. They were just covered up by dirt.
Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The moral of this story is to quit while your a head…
REDROCKER51 almost 12 years ago
i wonder if it is a living doll
diggertsi almost 12 years ago
Now we know why we haven’t seen Kahuna for a while in Sherman’s Lagoon.
7500edg almost 12 years ago
Oh my
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 12 years ago
that’s funny!!!!!!…….always have loved B.C. funny strip especially Wiley’s dictionary with the funny defintions of words and Wiley himself funny with a wooden leg and scared of water…I new to Go Comics just signed up…ronald54321 really is that a fact???