Herman by Jim Unger for February 02, 2013

  1. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    The can and label have more nutritional value.

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  2. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 12 years ago

    I’d say he’s reading a dog food can because that’s all they can afford on their Social Security but have you priced good canned dog food lately ?

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  3. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  about 12 years ago

    Getting harder and harder to find.

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  4. Uncorked
    uncorked  about 12 years ago

    …The state of our processed food industry…

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  5. Cat7
    rockngolfer  about 12 years ago

    submit doesn’t work

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  6. Picture 001
    rshive  about 12 years ago

    If you read the even smaller print, that’s imitation real food.

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  7. Hacking dog original
    J Short  about 12 years ago

    ..and it’s genetically altered.

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  8. Image
    Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago

    From happy contented Cows in California.All by products.As we used to say MYSTERY MEAT!!!!!!!!!Just fry it and smother with ketchup and add some bacon flavor it will be great.Oh and for truecanadianliberal OBAMACARE. (I hope he finds that one funny. Bunghole)

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  9. Snapshot 20121028
    baldhedjer  about 12 years ago

    All the way up to 10%! Wow! Add cheese to it and smother it in hot sauce.

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  10. Missing large
    iced tea  about 12 years ago

    This is why I don’t like buying canned food.

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  11. Not quite 70
    unnormal  about 12 years ago

    A friend of mine put some Burger Fling and Micky D’s ‘food’ in the trunk of his car for an entire Summer . . . its appearance barely changed.

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  12. Blunder ii
    ncdrifter  about 12 years ago

    The other 90% is fatty filler

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  13. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 12 years ago

    Makes me salivate for some pink slime (or green slime if it’s old enough).But really, how does one get fat eating nonfood?

    Meanwhile, we can rejoice we have finally found a Canadian to tell us what to do and how to take the path toward civilization.

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