FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 06, 2013
Jason: Legolas fires his bow of elvish accuracy. Marcus: A hit! He pierces the professor's beautiful mind! Jason: Gimili swings his ax of Dwarve, might. Marcus: A massive hit! The french dance hall is stained a Moulin bloody rouge! Jason: The blrog cracks his huge flaming whip. Marcus: And Gosford flees the park and runs screaming into the bedroom! Jason: This is how academy awards should be decided. Marcus: We'd get a lot more "Terminator" movies that way, I bet.
legaleagle48 almost 12 years ago
You mean, that’s NOT the way they’re decided?
Wren Fahel almost 12 years ago
When I read the first panel, I thought, “are they mixing LOTR with ’Gilligan’s Island’?” (although the “beautiful” threw me off.) I figured it out in the second panel.
Chris Kenworthy almost 12 years ago
I dunno, it seems like an odd mashup, with Jason playing LOTR characters (both good and bad,) and Marcus DM-ing the results on movies and characters. It would be more fun if they pitted A beautiful park directly against Gosford Park or whatever. :D
tygrkhat40 almost 12 years ago
After “The Two Towers” was shut out at the Academy Awards, my friend was angry it didn’t win anything. I told him wait until next year, the Academy doesn’t give awards to unfinished movies. Sure enough, “Return of the King” swept the board.
mrcharmander934 almost 12 years ago
Or have your film be made by Pixar. (I still honestly have no idea why they chose Brave over the far more surperior Wreck It Ralph.)
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Do they even still have the Academy Awards.
Doctor11 almost 12 years ago
Keep dreaming, guys, KEEP dreaming.