Jane's World by Paige Braddock for February 01, 2013

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    pcolli  about 12 years ago

    When I read this strip, I donā€™t think of boobs; I just follow the story. I donā€™t have this obsession about having sex with two lesbians cos I know Iā€™d be left out of things. Women know what women need.

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    Plods with ...ā„¢  about 12 years ago

    Dun dun dah!

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  3. Rudy
    Urbane Gorilla  about 12 years ago

    Jane with hips, a waistline, and a nicer ā€˜do. Canā€™t last.

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    t jacobs  about 12 years ago

    how about a topless issue?

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    James38  about 12 years ago

    After looking closely, I do think Full Throttle Jane has slightly larger breasts, but the face ā€¦ ehh. Not the same person. Keep the persona and add the size and you may have an actual improvement.

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    profh0011  about 12 years ago

    Evanā€™s and Dorothyā€™s reactions are both funny. I canā€™t remember where in the overall big story this sequence took place in, though. (Had Jane & Dorothy become a couple yet? Itā€™s certainly not after they broke up.)

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    awgiedawgie Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Attention: Whomever this applies to (you know who you are): Donā€™t offer ā€œadviceā€ for how to make a cartoon better ā€“ unless the cartoonist actually asks for it. If anyone has ideas for how to draw a better cartoon, then by all means, go draw a better cartoon. If you canā€™t draw a better cartoon yourself, then either find someone who can help your put your ideas on paper, or keep your yap shut. If you donā€™t like the cartoon the way itā€™s drawn, then donā€™t read it.

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    Brazoshombre  about 12 years ago

    As Full Throttle Jane, she could certainly hold her own against Chelse and the other ā€œstrongerā€ characters.

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