Jane's World by Paige Braddock for January 22, 2013

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Poor Jane…. always a bridesmaid, never a bride….

    So to speak.

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    James38  about 12 years ago

    Jane with a big bust? What a concept. Just try to imagine….

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Everyone takes breaks when they need and when they can..I’m fortunate that I found this strip only this year..Enjoy the time off and can’t wait to see you return..Oh and Jane is fine the way she is and dynamite comes in small packages. Tell her for me..But it might not mean as much since I’m old and a guy..Take that anyway you want ; ) .

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    Kala Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Does anyone know the original date for today’s strip?

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    scsurfer  about 12 years ago

    I agree. Jane with boobs is just. . . .no.

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    krisjackson01  about 12 years ago

    Jane, try not slouching, that will perk them girls up right there. But I don’t think you’re that fem anyway, are you?

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    Malcolm Hall  about 12 years ago

    Here comes Stephan!

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    profh0011  about 12 years ago

    I was half expecting Jane to say, “Let me get this straight— if you’ll pardon the expression.”

    Jane complaining about not getting bigger breasts reminds me of an episode of DESIGNING WOMEN, where Mary Jo (Annie Potts), my favorite, cosiders having hers “done”. There was also an epiasode of CHARMED where a spell causes Paige (Rose McGowan) to have enormous ones… until the end, when the spell wears off. She’s happy the spell is over, but on checking herself out, she goes, “AWWW…”

    Considering Ellen Foley became my favorite actress (for her 19 episodes of NIGHT COURT), I guess i like the “slender” ones.

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    jamner  about 12 years ago

    dat’s cool. this one’s new to me. it reminds me of doonesbury; answering viewer mail, new writers, writers strike, etc, etc. now’s a good time to go back and see just where all they been!have a good vaca!

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    Ulo  about 12 years ago

    Really, another break? I suppose we should be grateful they’re not running the whole “Jane goes to fight an alien war in space” thing AGAIN. With all the breaks and “flashbacks” and such, it’s really hard to keep the storyline straight. I’m losing my ability to care for this strip anymore…

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