Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 19, 2013

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    legaleagle48  over 11 years ago

    Once again, I give thanks with every breath I take that I was born male — and gay! eye roll

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    Reya85  over 11 years ago

    Finding someone whether you are gay or straight is hard!!

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    woodwork  over 11 years ago

    there was a strip years ago where Irving wrote his dad and said “thanks for the y chromosome”

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    ncalifgirl58  over 11 years ago

    Guess I must be the rare female who owns two pairs of shoes. My tennies and sandles. I could care less what shoes you wear. What is in your heart is what matters. Happy Sunday all.

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    lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I can’t relate to today’s comic. How people act is more of an indication of what’s inside than what they wear.Hello Cathy clan!

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 11 years ago

    I try not to “judge books by their covers.” As ncaifgirl58 and lightenup said: it’s their behavior and what’s inside them that counts. I spend my winter days in tennis shoes and my summer days either barefoot or in sandals and if people are so quick to look down on and judge me based on that rather than getting to know the real me — the (sometimes) funny, quirky, fiercely loyal, loves to read, cross stitch, square dance, play with my dog, spend time with my husband, Pinterest-addict me . . . then they’re people I don’t want to know and be friends with anyhow!!!!!


    Hi, rgcviper!


    Shyygirl27: Congrats! :-)


    Susan: I love those sexy “Untouchables” men too!!!!! ;-)


    lightenup: Glad to hear the troop had a great time at the zoo. Too bad there’s always at least one — and sometimes 2 — rotten apples that can sometimes spoil and make things difficult for everyone else. For your sake, I’m glad the troop is dissolving and you won’t have to be bothered by those 2 particular brats for very much longer. When will that be, by the way?


    legaleagle48: (from yesterday) No, I didn’t miss the point of the punchline. I can totally understand poor Electra having to be Cathy’s captive audience because Cathy can be a real nut-job sometimes and Electra’s too little to reach the doorknob so she can’t get away. I just chose to focus on the MESSAGE of the first 3 panels instead: which is that no matter how rotten life can be sometimes, the love and loyalty of your beloved pet dog NEVER wavers — no matter what. I love my husband with all my heart but to me, my dog is, indeed, the very definition of love itself because it’s totally unconditional and I wouldn’t trade her for all the money in Bill Gates’ bank account!!!!!


    Hello and Happy Sunday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone’s been having a really nice weekend so far!


    P.S.: Let’s keep it light and play nice, everyone!!!!!

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    rgcviper  over 11 years ago

    Referring to the comic purely at surface level …

    This one inspired both an [eye-roll] and and “AACK” from me. Just sayin’.

    HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, Clan.

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