Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 14, 2013

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    legaleagle48  over 11 years ago

    Yes, but dressing like a man isn’t one of the “old rules”. You can dress appropriately and still be feminine, Cathy — the unisex look doesn’t become you at all!

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    marvee  over 11 years ago

    This was written several years ago, but still true. The “old” people don’t change. I know, I’m one.

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    legaleagle48  over 11 years ago

    Some of us don’t change, marvee. On the other hand, the ones who do generally do have to be dragged into it kicking and screaming! :-D

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    comicpat65  over 11 years ago

    @legaleagle48, don’t be facetious, she is wearing a pants suit which many women wear and look very feminine in.

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    lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hope everyone is enjoying your day! I’ve visited the cats at the shelter, and we’re enjoying the nice day outside. The cleaning can wait! See you tomorrow, Susan!

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 11 years ago

    I’m glad Cathy decided to change into more proper apparel before going into the office [even if her pantsuit is a little more masculine than feminine today]. I only wish MORE people knew right from wrong in this area . . . not to mention dressing correctly for the body they have and not the body they want!!!!!


    Hi, rgcviper!


    lightenup: Sounds like you’re having a really wonderful day so far! I’ve been doing laundry today but that’s all. Trying to get done in time for the Tennessee-Oregon game at 3:30 so all the rest of MY cleaning can wait too!!!!! ;-)


    Hello and happy Saturday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone’s having a really great weekend so far!

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    rgcviper  over 11 years ago

    Generally speaking, I"m right with Cathy on this one.

    Wow—that doesn’t happen often!

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.

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    hendelca Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Actually her outfit does suit her (pun not intended but why not?) – she looks thinner. I must be old too – I could never wear casual to work – even when it was dress casual day. If there was a donation to be made (often casual days were fundraisers – if you dressed casual you were expected to donate a looney (that is $1) to the cause) I made it but still wore dress pants and dress shirt. That was as casual as I ever got. Of course I say that now as I finish up a days work in sweat pants and sweatshirt – working at home has its benefits!

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