Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 30, 2013
Saleswoman: Remmeber that brand new credit card that came in the mail? Cathy: Yes! Saleswoman: remember the wide-open $10,000 line of credit? Cathy: Yes! Saleswoman: Remember that sweet, innocent time when you really believed you'd pay the full balance every month? Cathy: Yes! Saleswoman: Remember what you wore back then?? Cathy: Yes! I'll take it!! Saleswoman: Fashion's hot new seller: Credit nostalgia.
legaleagle48 over 11 years ago
Good grief — she’s still shopping at the mall?
drbeth over 11 years ago
Those heels do indeed make her look like she has 4 feet!
QuietStorm27 over 11 years ago
Credit card companies love Cathy!___________________________________________________I don’t have any credit cards now but I was one of the poor young uninformed college students they preyed on so I made sure to warn my own children about the pitfalls.___________________________________________________Good morning “Cathy” Clan!
lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago
So it was in the 70’s when she last paid her credit card balance off? Bummer.I love my credit card because I pay it off every month and they give me cash back at the end of the year. If you can’t (or don’t) pay it off, it can be hard.Good morning Cathy clan!
Gretchen's Mom over 11 years ago
Maybe Cathy needs to try and help bring the hippie fashion wear back into style . . . I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look as thin as she does today!!!!! ;-)
Hi, rgcviper!
Hello and Happy Monday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone had a really great weekend and a nice day today, too.
Zaristerex over 11 years ago
This is another Cathy comic that’s 100x more relevant today than the day it was it first published. The national credit crisis has given us a very different approach to credit today, hasn’t it! Premium Member over 11 years ago
I remember that sweet innocent time when I believed I would pay it off every month — all of my credit card history — and I have. Never let it run a balance — why should anyone pay extra in interest? House is also paid off.
rgcviper over 11 years ago
Sometimes I really wish my keyboard had a shortcut to an [eye-roll]. Just sayin’.
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.