Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 13, 2014

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    legaleagle48  almost 11 years ago

    And women wonder why men hate this holiday! eyeroll

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    O-Kay  almost 11 years ago

    That is SO true! If Cathy was 20. Since she and her crowd are closer to 40 (although I think we’re expected to think 30 for the purposes of future timelines), it’s just sad.

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    Reya85  almost 11 years ago

    Not a holiday if you still have to go to work hehe

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    lightenup Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    eyeroll Not much else to say…Hello Cathy clan! We can now say we survived the ice storm! We got snow last night on top of the ice we already had, but it’s already melting. Didn’t even have a chance to sled much… oh well! I’m happy to say that we were fortunate to have power all the time, thank God! Sending warm wishes to everyone else!Have a WONDERFUL time in Hawaii,!! How exciting! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

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    hendelca Premium Member almost 11 years ago Enjoy your stay in the sunshine! (Wish I were going back there too!)

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    summerdog86  almost 11 years ago

    If you are a female and your expectations are low, ANYTHING you get is wonderful. In Charlie Brown’s immortal voice…..“I got a rock”…..

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    rgcviper  almost 11 years ago

    Personally, I’m kinda with the guy on this one.

    [Ducking now …]

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Clan”.

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