Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 20, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    Nothing like having a hyper-Mom…say, Mom, I thought you couldn’t Wait for Cathy to share some things with Irving that have a joint outcome. Make up your mind! If you were my Mom, I’d be climbing up the wall right about now. Hope you all have a great Tuesday… ;)

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    alondra  almost 11 years ago

    You can’t go on the same diet as a man. He will lose weight faster because men’s bodies burn fat and women’s bodies store fat. I nearly killed my husband when he lost more than I did after he had more splurges than I did.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    I don’t remember my parents counting calories till Mom hit her 60s and became a Type II diabetic. And then she was the only one counting, and it was carbs as well as calories….

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    lightenup Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    “I’m so glad we waited”… *snerk!!*Love Cathy’s dad!Hello Cathy friends!

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    Why did generation of our parents think marriage was something you had to do in your 20s? I remember those two guys who were from my high school class who got married and then got killed in Vietnam. Lorilee gets a little crazy when one of her friends has a baby. Then, I ask her, have you done everything you dreamed about? No. Then don’t have kids.When I had two kids, two mountains came between my wife and I. I worked jobs I would never have dreamed to have taken. I needed to support my kids. Forget about dreams. Forget about writing. Forget about photography. I got an accounting degree so I could get a jobI remember when I left Lorilee’s bags at her dorm. She never came home again. She has been on advantage since. I am happy for her.My wife and I were two strangers when our children left. We had to learn about each other again. Don’t try to match yourself up with some guy. Find somebody who passionately loves you and you passionately love him. Those people stay together.

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    Gretchen's Mom  almost 11 years ago

    Cathy is supposed to be a grown woman, making her own decisions and living her own life but instead, it’s like she’s still a little girl living at home, seeking her mother’s permission and approval for everything she says and does. She would have a lot fewer “eye-rolling” moments where her mother’s concerned if only she’d stop telling her [mom] every little thing going on in her life pretty much every single moment of the day! It would definitely cut down on the aggravation factor for Cathy if only she would just learn to keep at least some things to herself every now and then. [But then, maybe that’s just me!]


    Hi, rgcviper!


    lightenup: Thanks so much for the sweet bunny picture yesterday, sis! ((( Hugs ))) to you, too!!!


    ORMouseworks, lightenup, rgcviper, and all my other “Cathy” friends . . . thanks so much for the “Get well” wishes yesterday. They’re very much appreciated and obviously worked as I really am feeling so much better today!!! ;-)


    P.S.: Hope everyone had a really nice day today!

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    I remember my father visiting me at Navy OCS. He fixed that would go to Washington DC. I got so mad about him interfering with my life, I volunteer for Vietnam. Now, I realize he was trying to save my life. But going to Vietnam changed my life because I found my true love in San Diego.

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    I don’t expect my kids to get marry. Paul is 39 and Lorilee is 36. Lorilee is having too much fun in NYC. She is dancing at nightclubs and classes. She goes to Tai Chi twice a week in Chinatown. She got to Europe on her company’s dime. She went Tahiti for dance competition. She has been to Japan and will be going to China. She wants to teach for a year in China. Paul is an artist. If he settles down more, he will be successful. He has talent that people stand up and notices.They don’t have time for marriage.

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  9. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 11 years ago

    For once, I’m on Cathy’s side here. THAT doesn’t happen often …

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    I saw a recent video of you. You seem to have lost the brightness. It is not of age, but of sadness. My wife is the one who kicks me in the pants when I get down. I have a serious illness. Most women would have left me because of it. Mexican women are like rocks. They just crush hardships with their hearts. You are a beach person. Smile whatever crazy thing your dog does. Think of all the people in Midland who would love to live near the beach like you and me. Laugh at what crazy thing Tom says to you. Act like a Mexican. Like my late sister-in-law, Ana, said, “We Mexicans can sit out in the yard and play guitar and be happy to be alive.”

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