Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 28, 2015
Cathy: Are you ready to see me in a wedding dress, Mom? Mom: Am I ready?? Cathy, you've been dressing up like a bride since you were two years old! You made little veils out of toilet paper when you were three...marched around marrying teddy bears when you were four... Am I ready to see you in a wedding dress??? Ha, ha! Am I ready?? Thunk! Cathy: She wasn't ready. Saleswoman: They never are.
gobblingup Premium Member over 9 years ago
When Cathy’s mom regains consciousness, they should tell her that Cathy already tried everything on and they’ve made the decision on which dress will be “the one”. ;-).Hello Cathy clan! TGIF!
summerdog86 over 9 years ago
Agggggh! It’s poufy! Should have taken me along. I do think it meets mom’s approval.
hendelca Premium Member over 9 years ago
Another quiet Friday here. Everyone scared away by the sight of Cathy in that dress? Judging by Mom’s reaction, this deserves something a little stronger than the standard eyeroll!
rgcviper over 9 years ago
Personally, I don’t think she looks bad.
Although, Pacopuddy, you may be on to something about strapless dresses.
HI, MOM.. Happy Friday, “Cathy” Clan.