Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for November 13, 2016

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    legaleagle48  over 8 years ago

    I can’t tell whether Irving is empathizing with Cathy or mocking her!

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    gypsylobo  over 8 years ago

    Look at this from the skinny person’s point of view. Everything that’s pretty or nice is for the larger person, say 2-3X. It’s depressing to find something you really like and the smallest on the rack is 2X, when you need a small, or at the very most medium.

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    summerdog86  over 8 years ago

    Wow! He’s got it down word for word! I’m impressed!

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  4. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  over 8 years ago

    Be careful what you wish for Cathy!

    Hello and happy Sunday Cathy friends! No update on my financial status but I’m still working hard on the grueling final papers for this semester. All I want for Christmas is more time and some R & R.

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    rgcviper  over 8 years ago

    Y’know, legaleagle, now I’m not sure, either, whether or not he’s being sincere. Kind of hard to focus on much else now in the strip, too.


    HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 8 years ago


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)


    QuietStorm27: Wish I could help you out, Girlfriend, but all I can do is just send you virtual ((( hugs ))) instead. Try not to stress out too much. Everything will work out just fine. You’ll see! ;-)


    Hello and Happy Sunday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone had a really great weekend! :-)


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    quanyindove  over 8 years ago

    Thank you for the wonderful welcome, guys. I will try to comment here now and then.Quietstorm27: I send many positive I’ve thoughts your way.❤️

    As far as clothes go, it can be annoying as a woman to try stuff on. I’ve never experiened what Cathy has either. My thing is usually pants. I try smaller sizes and they will barely go over my muscular (I guess they don’t figure woman could have that?) thighs, but will fit my waist. That or I go bigger, fits over the thighs, but then very baggy in the waist. Guess shirts can be that way too somtimes. I have some muscle in my arms. I can try on a small shirt that should fit, but like he Incredible Hulk, my arms could rip the sleeves.

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    lightenup Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I’ll refrain from the comments about spandex, and remember the days when stretch velour was really popular. LOL!


    I guess I’m a medium sized person, but really tall so pants that fit me are really difficult to find. I too wish that I could make my own clothes.


    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Sunday! A busy day for my girls and I, and my hubby did his first marathon today! Congratulations to him! He has been training for months so I’m proud of him and his hard work. :-)Glad you came back to read comments and reply, quanyindove! Hope to see you here on a regular basis!

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