Irving is scary in that third panel. Eek! And the obsession over the remote control is a bit of a well, control issue. If they’re going to watch TV together (and really they can’t afford another TV at this point), they should be able to share a remote. The only reason I don’t use the remote much is because I prefer spending my evening on the computer rather than the TV.
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Saturday! I hope today is a better day than yesterday when we had to deal with yet another leak in our basement. Unfortunately we might have to replace all of the pipes in the basement because they seem to be corroding. So we might end up spending the same as Irving and his TV.
Wow! Sadly there are really men like Irving. I usually watch TV by myself, when we do watch together, there’s no need to fight over the remote because we already know what we like to watch and what we like to watch together. On the days when we’re both free to watch TV we’re usually in separate rooms.
Hello Cathy friends and Happy Saturday! We’ve been dealing with a lot over here too, my truck is down and I had to pay money that I set aside for something else and a huge pine tree fell in his backyard. It’s always something, isn’t it?
A brand new $14,774.00 t.v./sound system upgrade that Irving never even consulted Cathy about before he just went out and bought it and she’s not even allowed to touch the remote control in order to use it? So much for his supposed claims that he got it for the “both” of them to watch and enjoy. No. The only person he’s going to allow in there to watch and enjoy it is himself (and Vivian, too, I’m sure) ….. hence the one and only chair he left behind when he cleaned out an entire room in their house to put it in.
Selfish. Arrogant. Control-freak. Jerk. THIS is the kind of man a woman ends up with when she’s so desperate to get married — to anybody, it seems! — that she accepts the first marriage proposal that comes down the pike simply because she’s afraid she’ll never get another one and will wind up alone for the rest of her life if she doesn’t say “yes” when an opportunity of any kind finally presents itself.
Hi, rgcviper!
Hi, lightenup! So sorry to hear about the basement pipe situation, Sis. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as you think it might. (P.S.: I’ve left another response for you.)
Hi,! (From 3/9): I’m afraid my husband and I don’t watch any of those shows. I thought it might have been Jeopardy, which we’ve been watching faithfully for 25+ years now. That’s pretty much the only “reality” television programming we like these days. Everything else is nothing but cr*p! :-(
Hello and Happy Saturday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone’s been having a really great weekend so far! :-)
Hi everyone! I am Lightenup’s youngest daughter. I love volleyball (have a game tomorrow), dancing, nail polish, and the color blue. And I love, love, love, LOVE holographic glitters. I play the cello and started this year. I hope you get to know you guys better soon!
My hubby and I watch certain shows together. Some shows he likes I don’t care for and I either read a book or go on the computer. He does the same when I’m watching shows he doesn’t care about (although sometimes he just stays in his chair and falls asleep). It works for us old farts and has been working for 30+ years!
Hey, gocomics, as often happens (at least a couple times a week), the comic is all squished up, and I would have to scroll it to huge to read it. I’m tired of doing that. I love the Cathy comic, but enough is enough. I have limited time and patience and I don’t mind saying that I hate your new format. With the old format, I could whisk through and easily click on all the comics I wanted to read, no problem. Now I have to miss some because they are a mess, like this one, or because I simply run out of time since it takes longer to pick and read the comics I want. To the other posters on this site, who are very nice people, I apologize for this rant. But I have really had all I can stand and have to speak up about it. I will now go back into lurking, and I wish you all a nice day, with the hope that you were able to read the comic without problems!
Sorry, Mom…guess we don’t have the same taste in TV programs…for most of my life, I didn’t watch at all.Sorry lightenup….hope your pipes get fixed….we’re having trouble getting the guys out to fix our generator because so many people lost power and I guess the same calls are going out everywhere….we were lucky to not lose power in the big wind storm….but they were supposed to come and fix the generator before the winds started to blow. I do feel that folks without power should come first….just hoping our’s doesn’t go out.
O-Kay almost 8 years ago
They’re both perfect for each other. Equal parts neurotic and nutbag.
lightenup Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Irving is scary in that third panel. Eek! And the obsession over the remote control is a bit of a well, control issue. If they’re going to watch TV together (and really they can’t afford another TV at this point), they should be able to share a remote. The only reason I don’t use the remote much is because I prefer spending my evening on the computer rather than the TV.
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Saturday! I hope today is a better day than yesterday when we had to deal with yet another leak in our basement. Unfortunately we might have to replace all of the pipes in the basement because they seem to be corroding. So we might end up spending the same as Irving and his TV.
QuietStorm27 almost 8 years ago
Wow! Sadly there are really men like Irving. I usually watch TV by myself, when we do watch together, there’s no need to fight over the remote because we already know what we like to watch and what we like to watch together. On the days when we’re both free to watch TV we’re usually in separate rooms.
Hello Cathy friends and Happy Saturday! We’ve been dealing with a lot over here too, my truck is down and I had to pay money that I set aside for something else and a huge pine tree fell in his backyard. It’s always something, isn’t it?
Gretchen's Mom almost 8 years ago
A brand new $14,774.00 t.v./sound system upgrade that Irving never even consulted Cathy about before he just went out and bought it and she’s not even allowed to touch the remote control in order to use it? So much for his supposed claims that he got it for the “both” of them to watch and enjoy. No. The only person he’s going to allow in there to watch and enjoy it is himself (and Vivian, too, I’m sure) ….. hence the one and only chair he left behind when he cleaned out an entire room in their house to put it in.
Selfish. Arrogant. Control-freak. Jerk. THIS is the kind of man a woman ends up with when she’s so desperate to get married — to anybody, it seems! — that she accepts the first marriage proposal that comes down the pike simply because she’s afraid she’ll never get another one and will wind up alone for the rest of her life if she doesn’t say “yes” when an opportunity of any kind finally presents itself.
Hi, rgcviper!
Hi, lightenup! So sorry to hear about the basement pipe situation, Sis. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as you think it might. (P.S.: I’ve left another response for you.)
Hi,! (From 3/9): I’m afraid my husband and I don’t watch any of those shows. I thought it might have been Jeopardy, which we’ve been watching faithfully for 25+ years now. That’s pretty much the only “reality” television programming we like these days. Everything else is nothing but cr*p! :-(
Hello and Happy Saturday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone’s been having a really great weekend so far! :-)
Lil' Lightenup almost 8 years ago
Hi everyone! I am Lightenup’s youngest daughter. I love volleyball (have a game tomorrow), dancing, nail polish, and the color blue. And I love, love, love, LOVE holographic glitters. I play the cello and started this year. I hope you get to know you guys better soon!
roberta.forbes.pyle almost 8 years ago
My hubby and I watch certain shows together. Some shows he likes I don’t care for and I either read a book or go on the computer. He does the same when I’m watching shows he doesn’t care about (although sometimes he just stays in his chair and falls asleep). It works for us old farts and has been working for 30+ years!
finnygirl Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Hey, gocomics, as often happens (at least a couple times a week), the comic is all squished up, and I would have to scroll it to huge to read it. I’m tired of doing that. I love the Cathy comic, but enough is enough. I have limited time and patience and I don’t mind saying that I hate your new format. With the old format, I could whisk through and easily click on all the comics I wanted to read, no problem. Now I have to miss some because they are a mess, like this one, or because I simply run out of time since it takes longer to pick and read the comics I want. To the other posters on this site, who are very nice people, I apologize for this rant. But I have really had all I can stand and have to speak up about it. I will now go back into lurking, and I wish you all a nice day, with the hope that you were able to read the comic without problems!
rgcviper almost 8 years ago
Owww. Physical … pain from … yet another … [eye-roll] … [smile]
HI, MOM. Greetings, Clan. Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Sorry, Mom…guess we don’t have the same taste in TV programs…for most of my life, I didn’t watch at all.Sorry lightenup….hope your pipes get fixed….we’re having trouble getting the guys out to fix our generator because so many people lost power and I guess the same calls are going out everywhere….we were lucky to not lose power in the big wind storm….but they were supposed to come and fix the generator before the winds started to blow. I do feel that folks without power should come first….just hoping our’s doesn’t go out.