Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 07, 2019

  1. Missing large
    Paul Gundlach Premium Member over 5 years ago

    $199 for an iPhone sounds like such an incredible deal given that some phones now break the $1,000 mark. But today you could probably get a used 3G iPhone for $20, and no one would want it. So it’s all in the perspective.

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  2. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  over 5 years ago

    He made one mistake. He said it was a phone. When I bought my first cell phone (Nokia 3310), the sign next to the phone in the store said how many contacts you could keep in the contacts list, how many characters an SMS could have and other things that actually had to do with cell phones. When I bought my current phone (iPhone 6s), the sign was all about the camera, screen resolution, memory, included apps and other computer related things, with not a word about anything that had to do with phones.

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  3. 10978db2 67b5 4b70 9521 ec3bfce003d8
    SnowBunny12  over 5 years ago

    Cathy is going to fall and hurt herself in those shoes.

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    LeeCox  over 5 years ago

    The point, Cathy, is that at least he can actually USE what he bought immediately. You’ve had those shoes for three years now and haven’t worn them once since you tried them on in the store because you haven’t yet found the perfect skirt to wear them with (and which you’ll have to spend more money on before deciding that you now also need to buy the perfect blouse, belt, and purse to go with the shoes and the skirt, by which time all of them will have gone out of style). Now tell me again which is the bigger waste of money?

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    You enjoy your money your way. I’ll enjoy my money my way.

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  6. Copy of little switzerland 1
    texian  over 5 years ago

    $199.00 for a iPhone?

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  7. Leafbust
    LASteve  over 5 years ago

    Nothing quite marks the passage of time like seeing a new iPhone for under $200.

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  8. Gothic hand
    erin.adamic Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Wow. I never thought that a valid argument could be made against buying new shoes, but … I believe it just has. Touche, Irving. Touche.

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    Katwoman  over 5 years ago

    $199 for the new iphone 3G. That’s a very distant memory!!

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  10. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 5 years ago

    Okay. On the one had, Irving’s got a point there. I use my Samsung Galaxy S9 for pretty much every one of those features he mentioned too. The GPS has been especially important ever since my husband and I moved to a new state almost two years ago.

    On the other hand ….. I’ve also bought several pairs of sandals on clearance at Kohl’s within the last couple of weeks too: flats (not heels!) in black, white, red, and navy blue so they already go perfectly with every single thing I wear all summer long — skirts and dresses as well as shorts.

    It’s always a little bit scary when, on rare occasions such as this, I find myself channeling not only one of these two nut-jobs but BOTH of them at the exact same time! ;-)


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)


    Hello and Happy Wednesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone had a really nice day today! :-)

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  11. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 5 years ago

    One question, Irving: Does your new device make phone calls? Had to ask …

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.

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  12. Cathy aack Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I guess I’d go with Irving here…the phone was a deal, the shoes would never grace my sad feet. Having surgery this winter to fix one of them, but I won’t ever be able to wear a shoe like that (not that I would want to).

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  13. Img 0014
    Charlie Tuba  over 5 years ago

    The iPhone X costs over $1,000!

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