Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 09, 2021
Irving: I used to spend hours trying to decide which books and CDs to lug on vacation. But now I can hold every book and song in the world in the palm of my hand! I don't have to decide ANYTHING! I can bring them ALL! TA DA! I'm ready to go!! How's YOUR packing coming along, honey? Cathy (behind door): I'll be out as soon as someone invents digital footwear!
Chris over 3 years ago
wait, do they have those? cause that would make traveling a heck of a lot easier.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Longest runway to a vacation EVER!
summerdog over 3 years ago
If you are going to many places in Europe, better make that shoes-to-walk-on-cobblestones-with. Trust me.
Deezlebird over 3 years ago
Come’on, Cathy! Depending on where you’re doing, one pair of “nice” shoes, one pair of walking shoes, one pair of flip flops/or similar. You’re on vacation, not modeling at a fashion show.
lightenup Premium Member over 3 years ago
I think Irving is overdoing this also. I usually would bring a book, maybe two, but not a stack. I read quickly, but would rather do things on my vacation. And the stack of CDs is too much either. I’d rather listen to the ocean or the wind in the trees (for a mountain getaway) or the noises of a new language. Some people go to sleep listening to music, but I can’t relax to that (white noise is the exception).
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Friday! Have a great day, all!
hendelca Premium Member over 3 years ago
Since I read every night before bed – even on vacation (although the reading time might be really short if it has been a fun day) I bring a book or two. Since I prefer the paper kind I pick a couple of soft cover books so as not to take up too much weight.
The weekend is about to begin. Please enjoy it.
smorbie the great and beautiful over 3 years ago
Finally, at least one of them is ready to go!
mistercatworks over 3 years ago
Footwear with digits? As in toes?
ElJorro over 3 years ago
I still love physical books but the kindle is a godsend for traveling.
rgcviper over 3 years ago
In theory, not a bad idea. In practice, maybe think again. That reminds me of a quote I like:
“In theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice, they are not.”
— Albert Einstein
HI, MOM. Happy Friday, “Cathy” Clan.