I remember watching my dad play baseball in an “old-timer’s” game and thinking how old he was. He was 40 at the time. Now my own “40” is 30 years in the rear-view mirror. It’s all relative.
when I was in school I thought my favorite teachers was really old but several years after I graduated he married and I learned he was only 32, so even at 18, 30 seems old. Of course I am 6%# now and it seems so young. Nelson is right, I got old a long time ago. lol
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
Whoa, Nelson! Whoa!
firedome almost 12 years ago
well, nelson. you just blew all of your snack cards for the next week…
rogcbrand almost 12 years ago
Just remember, to someone Nelson’s age, 30 is ancient!
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Out of the mouths of babes ! Too true, Nelson.I always tell my grandson, no matter how old he gets, I’ll be a half of a century older !
Llewellenbruce almost 12 years ago
It’’ll be quite a while Nelson before grandmabakes you some cookies again.
thirdguy almost 12 years ago
Set her up, and then deflated her. Funny!
lisajwalton almost 12 years ago
NELSON!!!! RUN!!!!!
CasualObserver almost 12 years ago
I remember watching my dad play baseball in an “old-timer’s” game and thinking how old he was. He was 40 at the time. Now my own “40” is 30 years in the rear-view mirror. It’s all relative.
j-birds3 almost 12 years ago
Nothing but the truth from the mouths of babes;.)
natureboyfig4 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
but HE won’t!
jeanie5448 almost 12 years ago
when I was in school I thought my favorite teachers was really old but several years after I graduated he married and I learned he was only 32, so even at 18, 30 seems old. Of course I am 6%# now and it seems so young. Nelson is right, I got old a long time ago. lol
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Budman 2 almost 12 years ago
Little S—T !!!
wicky almost 12 years ago
Good move kid.
yldonaldson almost 12 years ago
I can’t spell the sound the drum makes when someone makes a joke. :)
sbchamp almost 12 years ago
jtviper7 almost 12 years ago
There was a program years ago ’ Life begins at 40 ’, little did they know HOW TRUE IT WAS…
ButWaitCallNow almost 12 years ago
Getting old is GREAT, considering the alternative.
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Oh Nelson… Wait until YOU get old and YOUR grandkids are saying that to you.
LOL xxx
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Out of the mouth of babes.
bvallinino almost 12 years ago
What a smart-ass.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
No more cookies for you, you little “whippersnapper”!
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
yldonaldson: rim shot
Five boys almost 12 years ago
My seven year old grandson ask why I had lines around my eyes, I said because I’m old! He said not to me. My favorite!