Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for March 01, 2013

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    chiphilton  almost 12 years ago

    In that third panel, is Scott talking about the peacock or about Gil?

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    kdizzle  almost 12 years ago

    This whole team needs a tat slap.

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    Bluedarter  almost 12 years ago

    Gil,Gil,Gil, what the hell has happened to you? Will the Tooth Fairy be the one to break up the hitting slump? Will the Easter Bunny be the cure for the curve ball? Is this the future for Ohio, the Cradle of Coaches?

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  4. Moxie
    grshprnh  almost 12 years ago

    Coaching 101 “team unity”.

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    bearwku82  almost 12 years ago

    Gilmeister is certainly looking his age today. All this H.S. drama, Mimi’s shennanigans with Pedro and no capable coaching staff to pick up his slack, has the Coach wondering what Dr. Pearl’s chair feels like. NAHHH. Pursue your love Gil, the golf course. I bet Marty can set you up with one of his inventory of flasks.

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    tedhand  almost 12 years ago

    A new low for this strip..

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    mendel64  almost 12 years ago

    Will somebody please kill that damm bird. What a story line. Whatever happen to Marty Moon or Ox Hartley?

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    ohiobobcat  almost 12 years ago

    desertdlwr, I rate your comment as equal to chiphiltons! Bravo, my friend, bravo!!

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    decten1968  almost 12 years ago

    Personally, I like the comment about Gil dressed up as a peacock.

    Where has Mimi been in those yoga pants?

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    ldmcdog  almost 12 years ago

    get ready for a major plot twist-the peacocks are reincarnations of the dead Thorp kids, not Scott’s little brother

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    cuttersjock  almost 12 years ago

    Gents, we have had some preposterous plot lines, but this one could be the longest with the least comedic payoff to us smart-asses. We have really had to reach the last few months, IMO.

    Note to Neil and Rod: next story line: more Moon, more Mimi, a sprinkle of Dr. Pearl, how ’bout some “inappropriate” Kaz? How about Gil under siege by the board for his apathetic approach to coaching of late?

    Let us air it out here!
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    Mopman  almost 12 years ago

    Great comments today from everyone! If I could draw I would redo the strip using suggestions from our comments, would be hilarious.

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    scottinphilly  almost 12 years ago

    Almost as depressing as the year the kid got cancer and wasted away…

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    RayNDeere  almost 12 years ago

    Is it just me, or has GilFather’s absence been about the same amount of time as a rehab stint? My guess is Mimi MILFord finally confronted him about his Viagra dependency

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