Rat: I've concluded that the key to living an ethical life is to always pause before I do anything and ask myself that key moral question. Goat: Which is what? Rat: Can I get away with it? Goat; I don't think that's moral. Rat: Well, not if you get caught.
hayscd almost 12 years ago
Rats moral compass is permanently on the fritz.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
“He who laughs when things go wrong has just thought of someone he can blame it on.” (Benny Hill)
Varnes almost 12 years ago
You don’t get punished for doing something wrong, you get punished for getting caught…
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Rat lost his load stone a long time ago
@SherlockWatson Snerk haven’t seen Benny in age’s thx for the reminder
zero almost 12 years ago
Getting caught with high morals just gets to name calling
zipidachimp almost 12 years ago
benny hill : YOUTUBE !!!!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Benny Hill reruns have recycled several times in recent years on Chicagoland TV, though they are not running right now, as far as I know….Rat is a pragmatic amoralist, not unlike several of our most recently convicted politicians here in this cesspool of corruption called Illinois. Hall of Shame of Illinois pols.
steve_alvin almost 12 years ago
Socrates would be proud. . .
lisapaloma13 almost 12 years ago
I just realized that in yesterday’s cameo appearance, Pastis didn’t have a cig sticking out of his mouth! Has he quit?? If so, CONGRATULATIONS!! You can do it!!!
JGordonFan24 almost 12 years ago
Remember the words of Jesse ’’The Body" Ventura : " Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat."
eddodt almost 12 years ago
sounds like the president’s moral compass!
jmartin1955 almost 12 years ago
The politician’s creed
w2lj almost 12 years ago
Rat needs to run for office.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 12 years ago
If Rat is holding a key, make sure you check all your locks…as well as your bagels!!
coolhand000 almost 12 years ago
Brilliant deduction, Rat . . .
CartoonServices.Com almost 12 years ago
“Get caught”? So, it sounds like Rat can do whatever he wants as long as there’s not a rat trap around.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
rejoiceitellyourejoice almost 12 years ago
Hear here!!!!
ccraver moderator almost 12 years ago
Rat in 2016
155088 almost 12 years ago
Stuck on that #%@& rat again. MORE CROCS!
Alexander the Good Enough almost 12 years ago
Banking & big business, politics or religion. Rat could very well prosper wherever psychopathology is a basic qualification. He has a brilliant future ahead of him.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Rat split an infinitive. "…always to pause…’ is correct
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Rat tastes victory 24/7… Or he THINKS he does.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
What other question would a psychopath use?
artybee almost 12 years ago
Benny Hill NEVER was P.C. Same for The Man Show. And for Mel Brooks. And the Seth MacFarlane comics on FOX.
jkmunson almost 12 years ago
I was using this as a jumping off point for a college assignment, thought I would post It here when I was done.
I am counter-arguing with a statement regarding the nature of ethics made by the character ‘Rat’ today’s “Pearls Before Swine” Comic By Stephan Pastis.
The online version of the comic can be found here:
Here is the dialog:Rat: “I’ve concluded that the key to living an ethical life is to always pause before I do anything and ask myself that key moral question.”
Goat: “Which is what?”
Rat: “Can I get away with it?”
Goat: “I don’t think that’s moral.” _
Rat: “Well, not if you get caught.”-——————————————————————————————————————-[I’m turning this into an argument against ethical egoism. I used Rat as a silly jumping off point – So don’t consider this too much of a straw man!]
Rat’s statement about ethics very closely resembles the theory of ‘Ethical Egoism’. Ethical Egoism’s central idea is that all persons are hardwired to be selfish, that they physically can not do anything unless they believe that it is in their best interest. Further saying that if all persons are hardwired to be selfish, then you can not declare them to be immoral for acting otherwise. Therefore, the moral action is always the one that is in your best interest – your happiness, well-being, and enjoyment being the ultimate goals. Essentially anything that benefits you becomes moral, so long as you “[Can] get away with it” as Rat said.
I disagree with Rat’s view of ethics for several reasons, first because he told us about it. If Rat claims that the total truth of ethics is that we should all act selfishly, then he is acting against his self interest. Even by telling Goat, he did not “get away with it”; Goat now thinks even more poorly about Rat – Clearly something not in Rat’s best interest. He acted against his moral view already, merely by telling it! Furthermore, if others were to adopt Rat’s view of ethics, they could eventually decide that they could get away with, say, stealing Rat’s wallet. Rat’s view of ethics essentially self-destructs.
I will admit that it is rather difficult to argue against his view that only the self matters. What is there that makes us ‘care’ about what happens to others? Perhaps we truly do not care about what happens to others. Let me explain. Let’s say you disagree with Rat, believing that one can genuinely care about others. Let me then ask you, Why do you care about them? If you answer “Because seeing them well makes me feel good” then you have in fact proved Rat’s point! You care about others because it helps you feel good, a benefit to yourself! OneLastWordSoIHitThe350WordLimitExactly.
joejacob457 7 months ago
I 100% agree