Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for March 08, 2013

  1. Hacking dog original
    J Short  about 12 years ago

    Experiment. One day try the phrase,“Honey, have you been losing weight.?”A few days later try,“Darling, your ass looks fat in that dress.”

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  2. Missing large
    comicnut4636  about 12 years ago

    …And we have lift off!!!

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  3. Ds frq can use for gocomics avatar sparkle
    BaconBoyCamper  about 12 years ago

    Hence the facial stubble on the guy on the right…

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  4. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  about 12 years ago

    Wives are actually pretty easy to figure out, just have to know how to decode their language. For example if she is working on a project, say painting a room of the house, and you ask if she needs help. The answers would be decoded as follows:

    No, I don’t need help, go watch tv. Actually means, you can help me if you like.

    You can help if you want, means, Yes, if you want your wife to be a happy camper you will pick up a paint roller and get to work.

    If she says, Get off your a$$ and help out around the house for a change, it means you’re sleeping on the couch tonight buddy.

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