Dog Eat Doug by Brian Anderson for February 25, 2013

  1. Missing large
    Krumbs77  about 12 years ago

    I miss the kitties!

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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 12 years ago

    Sophie, there’s a baby in the house, remember? Not everything that lands in the trashcan came from the kitchen…………

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  3. Cat eye22
    JK1  about 12 years ago

    Doug’s diaper pail? Poor Sophie needs a little TLC; maybe Hobo and Cheese will give her a cuddle

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  4. Ghost
    Devils Knight  about 12 years ago

    this is just wrong on many levels you have done this to at least 6 of the strips i read time to start flaging you

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    AndiJ  about 12 years ago

    Some dogs like poopy diapers!

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    ACisney  about 12 years ago

    Poor Sophie, when a lab won’t eat everything she can get her paws on, its a sure sign she isn’t feeling well.

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    keltii  about 12 years ago

    I hope Sophie isn’t too ill Brian!

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    kimmyglam  about 12 years ago

    great – if that person misses the cats, think about adding puppies instead. But, at least we’re back to the original dog and baby theme – thank you.

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    meowlin  about 12 years ago

    Imagine Jim Davis’ level of appreciation if someone incessantly complained every time he drew a strip that had Odie in it…

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    water_moon  about 12 years ago

    lol! I just noticed the cat hater is KIMMYglam, I’ve been read it as KITTYglam the whole dang time!.back on track, I knew a lab that would eat rocks. I’m pretty sure that even if the trash contained diapers and kitty litter it would still be fair game.

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  11. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 12 years ago

    Sophie needs lessons from Satchel about the Food, Not Food Game. …. vets like this game, they shake their heads, but they like the game. Makes things interesting.

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  12. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Sophie, you poor thing. You really must be sick not to like the stinky garbage.

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