Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 12, 2013
Lucy: Umm...what's a motivational speaker? Danae: Someone people pay just to tell them what they want to hear. Lucy: Wow...there's a lot of them. How are you going to compete? Danae: By being different! I'm gonna tell people what they need to hear...for a fee. Lucy: Oh. ...So you're assuming people will pay to have you insult them? Danae: Ok, you need to shut up now...that one's on the house.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
I think Danae’s on to something. She can harness her inner Don Rickles !
Peabody-Martini almost 12 years ago
Insult comic, if she wants to do stand up. She’d be good at that.
BenderSastre almost 12 years ago
No good can come of this.
thirdguy almost 12 years ago
What a hockey puck! If my dog had a face like yours, I’d shave his butt and teach him to walk backwards!
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Demotivational speaker? Boy, Danae is proving my instincts right.
Of course, we all knew already that “dictator” is the only career option Danae ever wanted. Maybe that’s part of the whole point behind the character – illustrating that authoritarians are just spoiled brat children who never grew up.
Haplo76 almost 12 years ago
Danae has missed something. When people pay you to tell them what they want to hear, usually that includes paying to not tell what they need to know. So good luck with your business idea, Danae!
esmeyny almost 12 years ago
People will pay you to say what they think other people need to here, though. (This includes insulting absent people or being paid by the boss of the audience.)
roctor almost 12 years ago
Motivational speaker; One who can devulge enough to sell CDs,tapes books and books on tape.
jreckard almost 12 years ago
JC: Ah yes, you want room 12A, Just along the corridor.MP: Oh, Thank you very much. Sorry.JC: Not at all.MP: Thank You.JC: (Stupid git!)
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
My experience tells me that a dozen people can tell someone what they need to hear but they will listen to the one person that tells them what they want to hear. So Danae, you must be that one person
Mostly Water Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I like the idea of the Pope being a motivational speaker. As long as she doesn’t speak in Latin.
CaptainKiddeo almost 12 years ago
This is gonna be like that “Calvin and Hobbes” strip where Calvin couldn’t understand why no one was buying from his “swift kick in the butt” stand. He said, “Everyone I know needs what I’m selling!”
georgelanigan almost 12 years ago
When I see that smile five words come to mind: “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid”
pawpawbear almost 12 years ago
@Brian Ransom
And your point is…………………….
alan.gurka almost 12 years ago
Become a DI (Drill Instructor to you civilians). The Marines are looking for a few good men, and I’m sure she’d fit right in.
dabugger almost 12 years ago
Hey Danae, not way totalk to your buddy Lucy….you will unmotivate her before she is motivated to listen to you blab blab which will be unmotivating. So what’s yer motivation?
I'll fly away almost 12 years ago
Don Rickles made a living from doing the same thing.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
One can only hope, and sooner would be better…arg!
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Ah, I see you’ve joined in too. now you’re one of us.
Defective almost 12 years ago
Political pundits spew hate like snow during a blizzard, but people flock to them in droves. I honestly don’t think she’ll have a problem. Hate and insults sell VERY well, you just have to direct the hate and insults at OTHER people.
Mickeylacey almost 12 years ago
Used to go and see motivational speakers when I was in sales….the hype lasted about 5 days and then the real world took over again. My friends would always know i had gone to a seminar by the born-again look on my face.
bobdingus almost 12 years ago
People have been paying to hear Don Rickles insult them for about 50 years now.
unca jim almost 12 years ago
Omnius said
“And this is why that corrupt moron Herman Cain lost his presidential bid. "
Herman disagrees. Women mixin’ it up with powerful men find it profitable to ‘tell all’ to anyone with a microphone, pen or tablet. Bear that in mind when you attain puberty and some level of success in your life.
neeeurothrush almost 12 years ago
Good one. Ha ha ha ha ha …
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Once you start, you cannot stop.
reynard61 almost 12 years ago
It got an ignoramus and pseudo-intellectual like you to read and comment on it, didn’t it?
Trilobyte Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Calvin & Hobbes are back…
jbmlaw01 almost 12 years ago
Danae is too late – Rush has been doing it, and well, for 25 years.