Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for March 14, 2013
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Noble History of the Free Speech Zone Third In A Series of Instructional Comics On Our Bill of Rights Philadelphia 1789 Man #1: ...and among the freedoms I list in this "BILL OF RIGHTS" is the right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Man #1: Hear, hear! But surely one cannot speak FREELY wherever one WANTS! Man #1: Gracious, NO! CONTROVERSIAL speech must be confined to small, fenced-in areas, ringed by barbed wire in unpopulated locations. Man #2: Of course! Man #3: Obviously! Man: I move that we include that restriction in the text of the First Amendment! Man #1: NO NEED. Our descendants will certainly know that it is IMPLIED in the text. Man #2: I disagree! Man #1: And it is your American right, nay DUTY, to express such dissent! Gentlemen! Man #2: Hey! Man: I was saying...limitations on the right to free speech should be... AND SO... The free speech zone has become a cherished cornerstone in the American tradition of protest for change. Martin Luther King Jr.: I have a dream! The End NEXT Wonderful new FREE RELIGION ZONES are created, where non-Christian Americans can worship, live and work! Please report to designated train stations for free transportation.
Christopher Shea about 12 years ago
Let’s be fair … both Republicans and Democrats have used fences and cops to keep protesters far away from their conventions in recent years.
catzilla23 about 12 years ago
This country does not have conciseness on free speech, what we have is lack of conciseness on which speech to suppress. – Robert Anton Wilson
joe vignone about 12 years ago
Thank you George W. Bush, Nincompoop-in-Chief.
lafayetteann about 12 years ago
We don’t have to worry about the oil sheiks anymore because we frack for gas and have North Dakota oil shale. Oh, Canada tar sands too.
snugharborman-catalog about 12 years ago
What I always get a kick out of – a person who’s complaining about something someone else is saying and starting off with “I’m all for freedom of speech, BUT…”.What’s meant, of course, is “since I disagree vehemently with what you’re saying, you shouldn’t be allowed to say it.”