Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 22, 2013
Bucky: Why don't you kill the rats you remove from houses? Mossy: I like chasing stuff. Can't chase dead stuff. Gotta keep stuff alive. Bucky: Well, I don't like it. I kill stuff. Mossy: In my experience, cats talk about killing stuff all of the time and actually kill stuff none of the time. Bucky: Look, pal, if I dug up all the stuff I've killed and laid them end to end, you know what I'd get? Mossy: Ostracized socially? Satchel: Ha ha! Cats are weird.
hayscd almost 12 years ago
That dog is keeping it real.
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Let’s see it Bucky? His chew toy is probably longer
Varnes almost 12 years ago
Oh, I like this guy…
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Did I ever tell you the story about the city dog and the country dog?
WoodEye almost 12 years ago
It’s OK Bucky, you’re killin’ me!
zero almost 12 years ago
This ongoing bit is funny – and yet cats actually do kill stuff.
Vaxdood almost 12 years ago
My cat not only kills stuff, she brings parts of it to me… :-)
jackhs almost 12 years ago
Why does the new guy look so down beat????
orinoco womble almost 12 years ago
Dog looks more like a foxhound or beagle than a ratter. No wonder he doesn’t “kill stuff.” Rat terriers definitely kill stuff, so quick you can’t see it happen. One quick shake and they’re done.
falstaff2 almost 12 years ago
My cat killed a few mice and I had to remove them from his mouth to dispose of them. Once I came home to find one half eaten. Fortunately I have no more mice because I always remember Mickey Mouse and don’t like to kill them, but my cat thought he was a great hunter!
jhandini almost 12 years ago
Oh God it’s about time he started on a arc that is actually funny! love this new dog!
unnormal almost 12 years ago
My wife and I watched our 16-pound cat kill a rat that must have weighed at least that much.He sighted the critter running full speed across the room, flew down from his window ledge, stopped the rat’s forward motion by landing with his right forefoot directly in front of the rat’s nose, hooked him in the back of the neck with his left, lifted rat’s neck up to his mouth, took one bite and that critter was so dead he didn’t even twitch.The entire process — sighting to killing — took no more than three seconds. We had a lot more respect for our cat after watching that magnificent performance.
MickMaus almost 12 years ago
unnormal,You got pretty lucky and also had a darned good cat. I had two who barely noticed mice. After catching my sixth, in my own hand, I sat them down and explained that that was their job. Yeah, it sounds stupid, but in turn each of them eventually started catching and killing mice. I expect they only did that while I was awake and at other times it was more like a scene from Garfield. :)
Bango Skank almost 12 years ago
@unnormal, you had a 16-pound rat in your house? Well, it’s a good thing your cat is such a good killer!
bigdoggy almost 12 years ago
@unnormal – If you have 16-pound rats where you live, MOVE!
Devils Knight almost 12 years ago
hey it’s not fair they are having a battle of wits and Bucky is unarmed
steverinoCT almost 12 years ago
One of my cats caught a mouse in the snow: she’s sitting on the top step looking over the snow-covered yard and acting strange, so I watched. All of a sudden she leaps into the middle of the snow and shakes her head: there’s a mouse in her mouth and blood on the snow. .On the other hand, this same cat brought home a bread wrapper she hunted down and killed as it blew across the yard.
arbyrb almost 12 years ago
I hate to bust the Bucky bubble, but cat’s don’t bury prey, nothing to dig up. Bucky bluff, perhaps.
semwc12 almost 12 years ago
Love the new dog and that now Satch is feeling a sense of camaraderie and Bucky has kind of met his match. Also that constant rope in the mouth…. lol
Allan CB Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I’m glad to be back and reading (what appears to be) new strips from Conley. Let us hope we NEVER go back to Muppets etc.
idrinkalone almost 12 years ago
2 dogs agin’ 1 cat he’s gonna have to be sharp!
orinoco womble almost 12 years ago
My cat used to corner roaches and then yell for Daddy to come finish them off with a slipper. Coward.
smollett almost 12 years ago
The bloated beige behemoth and his filthy friend would be well advised to avoid the wrath of The Buckster.
PastPluperfect almost 12 years ago
Our cat, Zephyr, is no hunter. Pigeons made a nest under our BBQ one year. Zeph would go out, sit down about a foot away from the nest and just watch. No wonder the eggs didn’t hatch! However, he also walks across the park to say hello to neighbour dogs. So, best of both worlds.
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Wow, that sounds like Darby did some name research.
mistercatworks almost 12 years ago
I have a perfectly suited pair of male cats: one hunter – one eater
kaystari Premium Member 29 days ago
This is a great story line, and I love the story above! Maybe not the rat killing, we have rats under our deck and in the compost, I think they’re cute, but I do appreciate the magnificence of cats. Amazing creatures. We have two.