Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for March 27, 2013
March 26, 2013
March 28, 2013
Rose: Let's face have an extremely flexible schedule! So when I need you to function..I expect you to function...without a fuss! Just remember who holds the power around here!
Pasquale: Is the toaster in trouble too?
Wouldn’t do that, Rose. Get mad at one electrical appliance (say, the toaster). It tells its brethren and sistren appliances (the tv, the clock radio, the hair dryer) who begin to malfunction in subtle yet annoying ways: an alarm fails to wake you in the morning, the water heater will refuse to produce anything above tepid for your shower, the hair dryer makes a funny smell, all of this cascading to make what was already a late day for work, appointments, or errands even worse. If you are angry enough at a smaller appliance often enough, the ‘family’ may also involve the car, the A/C unit, or the refrigerator. Even the battery-operated appliances stand in solidarity: ever notice how the remote controls die or the smoke alarm will chirp at three am, even though you KNOW you put in brand-new, out of the plastic batteries a week ago. All this because you hurt the electric can opener’s feelings long ago. They know. And they remember. And they wait patiently. Very patiently.
I have frequently suggested to my work computer that I might resort to reprogramming it witha fire axe.That usually gets it working again.But Rose, I think you might be holding the toaster’s cord!
emjaycee almost 12 years ago
Wouldn’t do that, Rose. Get mad at one electrical appliance (say, the toaster). It tells its brethren and sistren appliances (the tv, the clock radio, the hair dryer) who begin to malfunction in subtle yet annoying ways: an alarm fails to wake you in the morning, the water heater will refuse to produce anything above tepid for your shower, the hair dryer makes a funny smell, all of this cascading to make what was already a late day for work, appointments, or errands even worse. If you are angry enough at a smaller appliance often enough, the ‘family’ may also involve the car, the A/C unit, or the refrigerator. Even the battery-operated appliances stand in solidarity: ever notice how the remote controls die or the smoke alarm will chirp at three am, even though you KNOW you put in brand-new, out of the plastic batteries a week ago. All this because you hurt the electric can opener’s feelings long ago. They know. And they remember. And they wait patiently. Very patiently.
in.amongst almost 12 years ago
Talk about appliances being caught short – terribly exasperating!
sappha58 almost 12 years ago
I just threaten my recalcitrant electronics with water. That usually gets their attention.
gosfreikempe almost 12 years ago
I have frequently suggested to my work computer that I might resort to reprogramming it witha fire axe.That usually gets it working again.But Rose, I think you might be holding the toaster’s cord!
Potrzebie almost 12 years ago
It’s not the computers fault! She should be in a hospice. Look at that CRT!!!!
Puddleglum2 almost 12 years ago
Sometimes Rose just doesn’t compute!
comedynut almost 12 years ago
reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode.
cezpaige almost 12 years ago
Rose: Chocolate. Computers just want one little piece of chocolate sitting nearby.
LittleContessa almost 12 years ago
Just let the little boy fix the computer.