Poor Camilla, she really got the raw end of the stick. Stuck by her guy even though he was noodle enough to give in to antiquated ideas and maternal pressure and marry a woman he couldn’t love. Weathered all the bad publicity and undeserved hostility from the public. Nothing against Diana, she used her influence well.
The Duchess of Cornwall gets a very raw deal from people who have an overemotional attachment to the late Princess of Wales. It’s very unfair to everyone – including Diana! Let her rest in peace & let the two of them be happy: they’ve earned it, as Diana would have, had she lived.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
That would sure scare me off !
Linux0s almost 12 years ago
Piè de résistance!
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
decapitation proved the only effective means of removing the alien spaceship cleverly desguised as vile headware.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
What have you got against her? She’s better that the walking, simpering, pipe cleaner he was forcedr to marry.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
That’s the tackiest sombrero I’ve ever seen.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
If you think she’s scary you should have seen one of my aunts…she’d have scared the garbage truck!
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
We still say that the greatest service QE2 can do for her loyal subjects is to outlive her son. Just to avoid the Curse of Camilla, if nothing else…
Thehag almost 12 years ago
Poor Camilla, she really got the raw end of the stick. Stuck by her guy even though he was noodle enough to give in to antiquated ideas and maternal pressure and marry a woman he couldn’t love. Weathered all the bad publicity and undeserved hostility from the public. Nothing against Diana, she used her influence well.
K M almost 12 years ago
Say, Camilla, why the long face?
FlaviaR over 11 years ago
The Duchess of Cornwall gets a very raw deal from people who have an overemotional attachment to the late Princess of Wales. It’s very unfair to everyone – including Diana! Let her rest in peace & let the two of them be happy: they’ve earned it, as Diana would have, had she lived.