Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 14, 2013

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  almost 12 years ago

    Dubya is going to keep on eye on Jeb?!? Jeb’s career is doomed.

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  2. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 12 years ago

    It’s the old Fox in the Hen House analogy !

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  3. Missing large
    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    After 5 years of Obama, they STILL can’t get off of the Bush bandwagon.

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  4. Image
    Newshound41  almost 12 years ago

    I am going to re-post a comment I posted at the end of yesterday’s strip, just before today’s strip became available. I am posting it so those who didn’t read on yesterday’s postings because of the lateness of when I posted it, can read it now.-An unbalanced poster has made a completely false charge against a true American hero, John Glenn. The charge is that Glenn somehow impeded a Senate Committee investigation of President Clinton and in return was allowed to go on a Space Shuttle mission. There are certain errors in this claim 1-John Glenn went on the Space Shuttle mission in 1998 when the Republicans had the majority in the US Senate. Even if the Committee voted along party lines, the Republicans could have pursued any investigation they wanted.2-1998 was the year of the Lewinsky scandal. The House impeached Clinton in the lame duck session between the November 1998 election and the new Congress taking office in January 1999. By the time the new Senate tried Clinton in 1999, Glenn had already retired from the Senate.3-The accuser of Glenn on this site neither specifies the nature of the investigation or the committee that Glenn was on.

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  5. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    Ouch! Truth hurts

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  6. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    There was a strong, honest and wise American president named Bush

but only one

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  7. Missing large
    renaissance2  almost 12 years ago

    Considering that George W. Bush is (though probably an alcoholic) a teetotaler, it seems insulting to depict him with a beer.

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  8. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  almost 12 years ago

    GT is a genius. Three in one shot!

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  9. Gc logo
    carlzr  almost 12 years ago

    When everyone else is making jokes about paying taxes tomorrow, Trudeau chooses to mock the Bush family.

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  10. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

 I’ve always thought of Dub as “the Shrub”. His stay in the White House was “graced” by his posing, mincing, and posturing (how’s that “ranch” in Crawford doing these days
 Shrubdy been back? Hmm? Has there been ANY more brush cleared in Texas since his numerous vacations from from his “elected” duties in DC?) clearly underscore my view of his “worth” — to-date, and historical — to this great country. Iraq? Afghanistan? Bin Laden? Shrub’s still clueless, and yet, craving “credit” for other folks’ successes and real efforts following his huge failures.-The only things I continue to fault GHW for is having cringeworthy and mind-numbingly poor judgement: taste in women (loyalty he HAS, but genes DO matter), his seemingly blind and crippling lack of spine as it comes to family (he SHOULD have barred his distasteful, cowardly and nearly-criminally untalented children from "seeking public office”
 or any time)
 but he caved
 to Bar’s vanities and ambitions, didn’t he? And then there’s Iraq, isn’t there? The finishing — and swiftly (much less painfull) blow could and should have delivered on HIS watch
 not passed on to his idiot son (and Rove, Rumsfeld, and Cheney) to mangle.-GHW? Nice brave (in his youth anyway ) man
 made a great many very, very poor — USA-damaging — choices.

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  11. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    Time warp much? That record has already been posted — set in stone — by the Shrub’s installation!

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  12. Missing large
    Joseph McFarlane  almost 12 years ago

    The first six years were Cheney’s Presidency.

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  13. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Great job GT! I guess I always assumed W would be a pretzel, but this was good too.

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  14. Missing large
    Rainfoot  almost 12 years ago

    They should of given Warcrimes Bush another baseball team instead of the presidency. I’ve heard him do baseball commentary he actually sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, if faux or ESPN would give him a job I would watch.

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  15. Newman2small
    avtar123  almost 12 years ago

    SeaFox10, I said the same thing for 8 years of Shrub.

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  16. Claymation kk
    kendonna  almost 12 years ago

    When will he drop the Bush-bashing and hit on some Obama-rama? Gad – plenty of good material in this administration

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  17. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    I love the depiction of the Bush bathroom, perhaps an homage to W’s recent painting activities.

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  18. Lifi
    rossevrymn  almost 12 years ago

    must be a slow news day

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  19. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    Fair is fair; we got to listen to eight years of blaming Clinton for every Bush failure.

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  20. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “I see you are blinded by hate and bigotry of both Bush 41 and 43. Both are so much better than either Clinton the Impeached and the current Usurper. But you will never be able to admit the truth. You will only be able to blame them for the failings of your side."-My “side” is nothing that you know anything about..‹-‹No worries. I DO know all about it.-‹I sleep soundly, all snoozy, deep and comfortable
 and wake up warm and refreshed each and every.morning to the sounds of real wild birds singing — uncaged — outside my windows in the trees.-‹I (and those on "my side”) think much more clearly, cleverly, intelligently, individually — and protectively — of this (our) nation we cherish — and for this country and the benefit of it’s citizens — than you’ve ever to have been able to muster or demonstrate from “your side”.‹-‹You’re (generally – hopefully not, for you, specifically) a selfish and soddey bunch of cretins and creeps
 but the records speak for themselves, don’t they?-‹Poor you. Rich me.‹-‹Dang!‹.:ÂșJ

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  21. Rabbi sammy final
    pauljmsn  almost 12 years ago

    So, what kind of icon will Jeb end up with?

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  22. Rabbi sammy final
    pauljmsn  almost 12 years ago

    Odd how nobody talks about Neil Bush, he of the Savings-and-Loan scandal.

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  23. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  almost 12 years ago

    hey w, where are the wmds in iraq?

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  24. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Amazing, has to go back to Bush whacking, when there are plenty of hittable items with the present administration. The prime item being the use of drones as Judge Jury and Executioner. Oh sorry forgot, extreme liberals are blind to flaws in their own community.

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  25. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    Hey if you subversively plant the Bushes on other folks’ turf
 you need to cope with a way to deal with the justified — and sensible — weed whacking. Don’t ya’ think?-
 well, don’t you?

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  26. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “True, Obama had been carrying on what Bush did so he has been part of a larger scheme instead of his own president. We need a Liberal as President for once.”_Some
 very true. But he was and IS better than the alternatives presented
 today, anyway.

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  27. Masked
    Rickapolis  almost 12 years ago

    Senior was doomed because of his slavery to the Reagan folly. But Dubya was the worst president since James Buchanan. It will take another ten years to undo the mess he left. And let’s not even think about the possibility of Jeb, okay? It would set us back ANOTHER 30 years.

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  28. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

“Which is it? I would like to know your view of my fate?”-Sadness, delusions, dementia and disappointment. -You are speaking up and out for a cause — and people — who would never, ever, speak up for you.

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  29. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe  almost 12 years ago

    con·ser·va·tism (kn-sûrv-tzm)n.1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.2. A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order.3. Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook.

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  30. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

 Shrubdy needed a sitting duck to win against
 hence IRAQ. -“He tried to kill my Daddy

    -Bin Laden? He couldn’t and didn’t EVER deliver.

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  31. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe  almost 12 years ago

    What committee did Senator Glenn serve on that was charged with gathering evidence against Clinton? (Hint: none.) The House Judiciary Committee declined to conduct an investigation because Ken Starr had already made an extensive investigation. Your entire story ignores the Starr Report.Like most of your posts, the facts don’t support you.I’m happy to ignore most of your posts, but your last line was a personal attack, so that earns a flagging.

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  32. Missing large
    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    No, Dubya hasn’t changed a bit. No sign of intellect, self-knowledge, or a conscience.

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  33. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “Hey, I have served in Iraq. I have had Iraqis thank me for helping to get rid of Saddam. There is more.And another from your side here is condemning Bush 41 for not getting Saddam then.I get liberalism is just plain being inconsistent on any issue.Or is it that neither got today’s talking points?”—“Talking points” is that what YOU assume honest, decent, and intelligent people need to rely on
 since YOU need to rely on similar crap for “facts” to back your “lucid”, “intelligent”, and “insightful” posts
 really? How sad, and revealing is that?-‘Splains a whole friggin’ lot ‘bout you, don’t it?-Were you working for the the legit military of the US — under Shrub — or for Cheney’s Halliburton scam/scheme-sters
 for Blackwater and it’s ilk, or some other civilian “enterprise”?-Schwarzkopf? Powell? Honorable men
 seemingly. Daddy Bush
? Maybe so. They could have finished it then — absolutely — then.. Shrub? Totally not honorable. Way, way too many creeps in his closet
 and out of it, too.-You? Total chump!

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  34. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “Bush and Obama are BOTH war criminals and horrible presidents. Anyone who voted for either of these two has blood on their hands.”-Have you ever voted to be counted and take some personal responsibility for the nation’s future? Ever?-I know I would love to have been presented with “better choices”
 but I’m not sure we ever HAVE had them presented to us.-Best I can tell, every one of our Presidents have made some very questionable decisions
 check it out. Some of them were — seemingly — decided from intellect, courage, and character
 whereas others were decided from bravado, hubris
 and a sad sick form of cowardice.-If you chose to vote for someone you know couldn’t win — you didn’t win either.-Suck it up.

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  35. Missing large
    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    Bush\bush\ n, nincompoop, chickenhawk, torturer, liar,coke dealer, murderer, simpleton.

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  36. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “Obama is “better” simply because he isn’t fighting the Culture war anymore. Like having a less lethal poison to choose from. That isn’t saying much at all.”-True
 but you still might survive the poison.-I’m not claiming to be happy here, honest, but I think that the “other” option would have been much, much worse.

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    Linda Pearson  almost 12 years ago

    Used to like the strip. Not a comic anymore. Should be with the political drawings. I do not like people who are always putting others down.. Especially when those others are old, ill and not able to defend themselves. Hey gary T, did you ever bother to become a citizen of our country or are you still a Canadian who just like to trash us!

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  38. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “The Bush years were terrible”
-Too, too true! -The rest you post
? Silly, lame, & childishly foolish “mistakes” 
 at best.-It’s not great now — and it should be better — but it’ is MUCH better than it was with the Shrub and his crew squatting the WH.-.Bin Laden? Soggy toast. .Stock market? Up. .American Car companies? Still running and employing Americans. .Cheney? Hasn’t shot any “friend” in the face recently..Shrub? Free to “clear brush” in Crawford any time he wants!!!-
 works for me!

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  39. Avatar
    Mythreesons  almost 12 years ago

    Any comment using the term “Usurper” and “forged birth certificate” is automatically flagged by me. That horse had been flogged enough and is dead.

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  40. Missing large
    DavyG  almost 12 years ago

    George Orwell was a socialist. Are you sure you want to be quoting him?

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  41. Cedarhill
    Carol69  almost 12 years ago

    BENGHAZI is heating up!!! Investigation of cover-up needed


    Hang in there. Remember it took over two years, an inside whistle blower and persistent investigative reporting to bring the Watergate cover-up to light. The Benghazi affair could be more of a challenge because the mainline press is too busy climbing over one another kissing up to the Messiah and great divider. In addition the Obama/Clinton cabal is much more organized, sinister, dangerous and viscous than the Nixon bunglers.

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  42. Image
    Newshound41  almost 12 years ago

    I see you have returned from the DL.

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  43. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    You’re not very deep, or very intelligent, or very mysterious (your handle’s obvious) — you are, however, very, very boring.

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  44. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 12 years ago

    “Survive? Maybe, but what condition would you, the country be in? Choosing poisons is a terrible way to have a country unless it is systematically being torn down from the inside out by the Plutocrats who want another kind of govt. Their kind of govt.”-I do agree with you..As I said
 the choice is not a great one, but sometimes the lesser of two evils (or poisons) is the only choice we have.

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  45. Missing large
    DavyG  almost 12 years ago

    Sorry I wasn’t clear there. That comment was specifically addressed to SkepticCal, a staunch conservative, who might be appalled to know that he was admiring the writings of a socialist. He’ll now have to admit that a socialist came up with something he agreed with.

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