wonder if Drones will be the next way to send a “message” to those you don’t like. like the Koch Bros. or you local polluter. or just anyone the White Supremacists don’t like. or that “kid” that won’t get off your lawn?
no more drive by shootings. instead, drop down explosions?
new and better ways to silence the “oppostion.”
Don’t we have fun! A new way to win friends and influence people.
Spoiler Alert For you charter members of the Procrastinators Club who have yet to pay your taxes, you have 19 days left to file ! We’ll be sending another droning reminder next week.
Nice to see someone else on these boards know who and what Henrietta Lacks is. Maybe there is intelligence here (and no, politics count as anti-intelligence). For those who don’t know, research it yourself. If you’ve got time to rant and rave about the two topics never discussed in mixed company (religion and politics), especially when they aren’t even relevant to the strip, then you have time to hit Wikipedia.
.Great. Instead of a flesh-and-blood soldier they send a UAD to hold a gun to my head when tax time comes around. Hey, hey, hey! I filed back in January! Get off my lawn and take that FAE with you! You already made me “squeal like a pig” this year.
Retirement is the only way out….to continue breathing…No taxes no worries no money…..but if you are very careful you can still own your own home..if you don’t do a reverse mortgage.
I wasn’t asking a question and I already knew your answer. When I’m not straitjacketed by the uniform of a good little peon to the corp machine just trying to make ends meet I’m a cyberpunker. The tenet “Corporations rule the world” of the cyberpunk genre is, sadly, not fictional and hasn’t been since the days of the Robber Barons. Most people are just too blind by the spectacles of celebrities, reality TV, and the lines modern news broadcasts feed to realize it. Watch Land of the Dead and you’ll see how the little people are distracted while the minions of the one percent steal everything they have.
wrwallaceii almost 12 years ago
George Orwell didn’t see this coming.
rayannina almost 12 years ago
I think, technology aside, that this is exactly what Orwell saw coming …
Linguist almost 12 years ago
The IRS is just giving you a fly-by reminder to pay up …or else… next time its vill be… der Drone of Death…!
The Nihilist almost 12 years ago
Do they make a bug zapper that will take out drones as well?
Can't Sleep almost 12 years ago
What a great idea! Make a toy R/C airplane look like a Predator drone – and fly it by Rand Paul’s house!I gotta make one!
emjaycee almost 12 years ago
Get a good strong lasso, and the kids have their own “Loop-O-Plane”.
Angaraian almost 12 years ago
For a few dollars more….
pcolli almost 12 years ago
“Get that thing out of my airspace!”
thirdguy almost 12 years ago
Now this is why the VP said we need shotguns!
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Ahh! It’s got a cute little skull face.
CountAnton almost 12 years ago
I think its on its way to the PHB in today’s Dilbert…
sacqueboutier almost 12 years ago
…Here comes a candle to light you to bedHere comes a chopper to chop off your head.
bagbalm almost 12 years ago
tripwire45 almost 12 years ago
Our tax dollars at work.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Brings up a question I’ve been asking lately: How much of the airspace above me is MINE?
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
got news for you dear; the neighbor’s kids have ’em now
RobinHood2013 almost 12 years ago
Beleck3 almost 12 years ago
Robin Hood, the Media already has been saying that for years now. called Trickle Down
Beleck3 almost 12 years ago
wonder if Drones will be the next way to send a “message” to those you don’t like. like the Koch Bros. or you local polluter. or just anyone the White Supremacists don’t like. or that “kid” that won’t get off your lawn?
no more drive by shootings. instead, drop down explosions?
new and better ways to silence the “oppostion.”
Don’t we have fun! A new way to win friends and influence people.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
I still think all TVs have a built in cam…you are being watched and recorded, even when the set is off?
Varnes almost 12 years ago
The problem with drones, is they just go on and on and on and…..
dabugger almost 12 years ago
now dats going too far?
The#1BoiseStateFan almost 12 years ago
Ay yi yi!
I'll fly away almost 12 years ago
The skull-like front is definitely a “dead” giveaway that it’s the IRS.
emptc12 almost 12 years ago
In regard to industrial patents on genetic materials and techniques, read NEXT, by Michael Crichton.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
About time they put some effort into enforcment. Now, send those drones over to Jamie Dimon’s house and a few other one percenters.
emptc12 almost 12 years ago
In regard to data mining and extreme consumer research techniques, read THE NUMERATI, by Stephen Baker.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Spoiler Alert For you charter members of the Procrastinators Club who have yet to pay your taxes, you have 19 days left to file ! We’ll be sending another droning reminder next week.
ssmithss almost 12 years ago
Wow, motorized skeet. PULL!
smadanek almost 12 years ago
Like the tie to the Dilbert arc this week . Are Wiley Miller and Scott Adams on the same wave length…..Ooops caught Wallying for a moment…
ssmithss almost 12 years ago
yimhere: where is your sense of adventure. Big game hunters unite. If you kill it with the first shot it can’t retaliate.
Badfisherman almost 12 years ago
Just makes me wonder why the DHS needs 3000 combat tanks & over 40,000 rounds of hollow point ammo?Oh yeah…vermin control.
The Life I Draw Upon almost 12 years ago
What we need is 300 million drones around DC.
DrJKnows almost 12 years ago
Does Acme Corp sell those? I need to go roadrunner hunting.
Creniere almost 12 years ago
So THAT’S what those video games are all about….
EDinWAState almost 12 years ago
Wiley… I don’t know whether to laugh at this strip or not.
@Tiger… do you honestly think that one man, the President, can make policy like this autonomously?
Ernest Lemmingway almost 12 years ago
Nice to see someone else on these boards know who and what Henrietta Lacks is. Maybe there is intelligence here (and no, politics count as anti-intelligence). For those who don’t know, research it yourself. If you’ve got time to rant and rave about the two topics never discussed in mixed company (religion and politics), especially when they aren’t even relevant to the strip, then you have time to hit Wikipedia.
.Great. Instead of a flesh-and-blood soldier they send a UAD to hold a gun to my head when tax time comes around. Hey, hey, hey! I filed back in January! Get off my lawn and take that FAE with you! You already made me “squeal like a pig” this year.
wrwallaceii almost 12 years ago
@The Nihilist
Are Bug Zappers even still on the market?
Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I love the ‘death head’ on the Drone.
Richard Amidei almost 12 years ago
Stick it to the Man
Caddy57 almost 12 years ago
Retirement is the only way out….to continue breathing…No taxes no worries no money…..but if you are very careful you can still own your own home..if you don’t do a reverse mortgage.
Burnside217 almost 12 years ago
It’s part of a joint task force that also includes the Agency of Individual Over-Site and the Federal HOA.
Ernest Lemmingway almost 12 years ago
I wasn’t asking a question and I already knew your answer. When I’m not straitjacketed by the uniform of a good little peon to the corp machine just trying to make ends meet I’m a cyberpunker. The tenet “Corporations rule the world” of the cyberpunk genre is, sadly, not fictional and hasn’t been since the days of the Robber Barons. Most people are just too blind by the spectacles of celebrities, reality TV, and the lines modern news broadcasts feed to realize it. Watch Land of the Dead and you’ll see how the little people are distracted while the minions of the one percent steal everything they have.