In my experience, geniuses tend to be really scatterbrained about everyday stuff. They could use those organizational apps most of all! And olddog1, Einstein would have been “working” a computer from about age 5, tweaking it at age 9, and going IPO at age 13.
Einstein spent years working out the math behind some of his theories; having a computer might have freed up years of his life to take his work further.
WillardMBaker almost 12 years ago
Considering he didn’t have computers when he was formulating his theory, I’d say Betty’s right.
Suertude almost 12 years ago
I don’t let’s ask Stephen Hawking what he thinks
Olddog1 almost 12 years ago
Think what Einstein could have done if he had the use of a computer beginning about age 23.
hjkl; almost 12 years ago
In my experience, geniuses tend to be really scatterbrained about everyday stuff. They could use those organizational apps most of all! And olddog1, Einstein would have been “working” a computer from about age 5, tweaking it at age 9, and going IPO at age 13.
Greg Johnston almost 12 years ago
Hunter7 almost 12 years ago