Jane's World by Paige Braddock for April 03, 2013

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Too sad it’s accurate.

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    cruftschamp  almost 12 years ago

    We’ve had the coldest March for umphteenth years and masses of snow.. for years the 70s prediction of “the next ice-age is coming” (you remember that prediction) looks the better bet. So yes please: GLOBAL WARMING… at least write about it – one can dream, right.

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    t jacobs  almost 12 years ago

    global warming is a runaway train

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    ossiningaling  almost 12 years ago

    How about Climate Change?

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    PAULHARVEY  almost 12 years ago

    Too bad there has been no warming for 20 years, http://www.climatedepot.com/2013/04/01/oops-the-hockey-stick-that-never-was-authors-admit-the-20th-century-portion-of-our-paleotemperature-stack-is-not-statistically-robust-cannot-be-considered-representative-of-global-temperature-ch/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ClimateDepot+%28Climate+Depot%29

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    Bandera_Ken  almost 12 years ago

    If there is no global warming how come the ice caps are melting?

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    MadYank  almost 12 years ago

    The exciting thing about glbal warming is the way the average surface temperatures are rising on Venus, Mars, Neptune and Pluto!Now, I can concede that NASA or the old Soviet Space programs MIGHT, just POSSIBLY, be at fault for Venus or Mars – after all, WE landed stuff on Mars, and the Russians slammed several payloads into the surface of Venus.But NOBODY has landed anything on Neptune or Pluto – well, okay – nobody from EARTH; are we going to blame little green men?………That’s what I thought you said.

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    greatbest  almost 12 years ago


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    James38  almost 12 years ago

    The ignorance about global warming and Climate change is startling.

    First fact, adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes the retention of more energy leading to warming. This is linear and unquestionably proven.

    2. Glaciers and polar ice are disappearing, and the Arctic Ocean is warming faster than any other part of the planet.

    3. Recent relatively flat global temperature in spite of steadily rising CO2 is because of increased reflective particulates in the atmosphere – see horrible pollution levels in Asia. This is a temporary event, and as coal is phased out and people demand better air quality, temperature globally will resume its steady rise.

    4. The movement of climate zones upward and pole-ward is happening faster than ever before in Earth’s history. Species are going extinct because they can not keep up with the movement and change in their habitat.

    5. Comparing the present Human caused Climate change with earlier climate change cycles is absurd. The present change is far more rapid, and is due to CO2 and deforestation plus other pollution. The main root cause is excessive rise in human population. Few people realize that Human population has tripled and is on the way to quadrupling since the mid 1950’s.

    To consider that you have an opinion worth stating, that is one based on facts instead of the repetitive echo-chamber of denier nonsense, you need to read a few basic books:

    “Storms of My Grandchildren” by Dr James E Hansen, eminent climatologist with NASA (who recently announced he is quitting to work full-time against climate change)

    “Merchants of Doubt” by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway

    And for a major part of the solution, read “Super Fuel – Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future” by Richard Martin.

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    James38  almost 12 years ago

    MadYank – what you say is completely false.

    Try, just try, to find any actual data that support that rumor.

    You can not do that, since nothing exists but kooks repeating what other kooks say.

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    Ambydextrous  almost 12 years ago

    Back at the paper YEAH!! Believe or not , having a stable 9 to 5 actually makes Jane better :)

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    It would be quite appropriate for Jane to write about global warming.After all, she is a science fiction writer.

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