Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for May 19, 2013

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    From baby cribs to MTV cribs….

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    Wait… got a light bulb: Get candy flavored ice cream and buy one comic, and then get someone to do a timeshare on another comic, saves at least $1…. --That way, like Meatloaf says… two out of three ain’t bad!

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    paha_siga  almost 12 years ago

    My 9yo gets $1 a week and he saves up for $20 Legos with no problem. He is kind of scrooge… that, and that I make ice cream at home anyway.

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    Eric Klein  almost 12 years ago

    Sounds like she is ready for a job in Congress, any European Parliament, or the Knessett

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    I’m like you….some parents defend it by saying… “it’s in case they have an emergency” in the case of the phones, which has now mushroomed into such a big thing… teens acting as if it’s “life’s necessities”… -And I used to work in the school system, and would see the size of the bills (the greenback kind, of course) their parents sent them to school with… some of the more relatively modest had "Hamilton"s, others had "Jackson"s, some "Grant"s.. (although some would also note that kids can demand money with historical figures on them, and still not know anything ABOUT those individuals…) and they would pull those “bad boys” at the store and school cafeteria FIRST THING in the morning, when the change wasn’t even going enough, yet…I’d be wondering to myself: “How?…. Why?”-But, yeah, somewhere is the dividing line between making sure kids have something for times of need, and what seems the overindulgence of credit cards and trendy gadgets and “money to burn attitude”, as you alluded to, so common today…

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    yeahbutt  almost 12 years ago

    Never noticed before, but Nancy’s ribbon is pink, not red. (& green in the header) I looked back. Seems red is the weekday color & pink is the Sunday …

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  7. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  almost 12 years ago

    She could cut her hair and sell it — it grows so fast she could buy a car instead of a bike.

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  8. 1899lsu avatar
    YatInExile  almost 12 years ago

    The government calls it “deficit spending.”

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    alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I can relate, Nancy.

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    ssledge  almost 12 years ago

    Two dollars for a comic book? I recently purchased a comic book because I think that that particular issue will one day be a collectors item. The price was $3.13. Besides, outside of Archie comics, most comic books today are young, male, oriented.

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  11. 1899lsu avatar
    YatInExile  almost 12 years ago

    My mom once hit the roof when I came home with a comic book that cost 25¢.

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    2358477  almost 12 years ago

    $2.00 for comic BOOKS. Maybe a down payment on one comic book. When was this written?

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  13. Frankiefishville
    H P Hundt Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Allowance? I was allowed to use our lawnmower, edger and broom to mow the neighbor’s lawns. Next came the paper route and other after school jobs. Except for a couple of short periods between jobs I was employed from age 11 until I retired.

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    LucindaWyman_1  almost 12 years ago

    Wait. You can actually get a comic book for $2?

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    There really are comics for under $2! Independent comic book publishers. and “non-name brand” ones… a lot of people have different tastes and interests, and as I was explaining earlier, a lot of Independent comic distributors/publishers/creators do this, since certain costs would not be involved, such as would be found with the “syndicated” and mainstream ones…. -It may be that we’d just imply Nancy’s choice of comics based on our own experiences, or maybe tastes, as if they would fall under the more pricier ones but maybe hers are not the mainstream ones…-And in addition, I guess it’s funny that if we always try to apply our 3D real world physics, economics, etc. to 2D strips, then it would get in the way of our being able to use our imaginations, and appreciating the humor of it all…

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    And there are some good ones out there that don’t get all the press, etc….

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  17. Jolie album
    brklnbern  almost 12 years ago

    $3.00 a week. Fritzi must be rich. Hey Nancy could support Sluggo on that.

    Back in my teens my dad used to pay me .15 cents to mow the lawn. A nickel for the front and a dime for the back. When I told him the front was a tougher mow, he said OK, you now get a dime for the front and a nickel for the back.

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    pages1892  almost 12 years ago

    Nancy, welcome to adulthood. Now add a couple of kids, a house note, a car note. Thank goodness I am past that stage in my life. Make sure you put some aside every time you get money. Then when you are ready to retire. you will have a nice 401K!

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